Moving from nominal to phenomenal Christian.
It is 27th May 2017. We celebrate the memorial of St. Augustine of Canterbury, the bishop. He was the first bishop of Canterbury, who was the instrument of converting many from the courtyard of king and subsequently called the Apostle of England. The readings are from Acts 18:23-28; and the Gospel from John 16:23-28. The first reading teaches us that guided faith is very much required for the growth and development of productive spiritual life. Any misinformed and misguided Christian even with full of zeal and enthusiasm of his or her own will poison the unity and oneness of the Church. Let us move from nominal Christian to a phenomenal Christian. St. Paul after visiting Antioch, sets off on his third missionary journey to Galatia. For a fruitful apostolic and missionary work, we need to include everyone and to have a teamwork. Just like Apollos, an Alexandrian Jews who preached the message of Christ in in need of someone like Priscilla and Aquilla. They just tilled the heart of Apollos little deeper with ‘further instruction about the Way.’ (Act.18:26). The fuller understanding comes by being humble enough to learn from the other believers with the power of the Holy Spirit. The responsorial Psalm praises, “God is king of all the earth.” (Ps.46:8). The Gospel instructs us to ask God through Jesus because it is Him alone knows the will of God. Prayer is nothing but a mindset to accept the will of God in our lives. If our prayer does not include Christ’s name, then our purpose is lost. We can only receive anything from the Father when we ask God in his only Beloved Son Jesus. “Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and so your joy will be complete.” (Jn.16:24). The Church strongly believes that any prayer in the name of Jesus is surely heard in the presence of the Father. Even if we ask what is contrary to God’s will, it is the Spirit of God who puts it across what is in the mind of God and preparing us to accept the will of God in our prayers. Whether we get it or not, we must not be hesitated, irritated, tired, become cold in asking God using the most powerful and benevolent name of Jesus. May God grant what you ask in the name of Jesus. Have a good day.

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