Enriching our faith by being the salt and the light in the world.
It is 13th June 2017. We celebrate memorial of St Anthony of Padua, Priest and the Doctor of the Church. A Franciscan friar is known for his powerful preaching and miracles. He had very close intimacy with the Lord Jesus and well-versed and deep knowledge in the Scriptures. The most popular saint among the faithful for interceding the lost things or misplaced ones. The readings are from 2 Cor. 1:18-22; and the Gospel from Matthew 5:13-16. In the first reading, St. Paul desires that all of us make a difference in being the witness for Christ. It is the call we have received from the Lord be faithful and reliable. Our faithfulness to Christ must be seen in our word and deed. We need to synchronize what we say and do. The synergy of our Christian living sparkles out in reflecting the fidelity to God. Trust is lost or destroyed in the way we have become either reliable or not. Work effectiveness in our ministry solely depends on the reliability in what we say and fidelity to God. The responsorial Psalm intercedes, “Let your face shine on your servant.” (Ps.118:135). In the Gospel, Jesus deepens our spiritual life by inviting us to be the salt and the light of the world. The incredible images sharpen our focus in following Christ. To be the salt and the light is a daily task. Our faith needs to add taste, to preserve the texture of our lives and to shed light into all the areas of our living. Being open to the Spirit of God and allowing ourselves to be the channels of happiness for ourselves and others around is the response to Jesus. It is indeed a perennial cycle of being the salt and the light when going becomes challenging and tough. It is God’s grace we have come this far. To be a follower of Christ is not only a privilege but a serious responsibility of adding the salt required and the light wanted. Let us also be careful in the right proportion of the salt and light in us and around us. Adding or having more than the required would lose its taste and be wasted. Light brings sense of security and joy. May our lives shine so bright with the good works that attract praise and glory to God. May you have a good day.

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