Bringing the best in us by being honest to all.
It is 17th June 2017. The readings are from 2 Cor. 5:14-21; and the Gospel from Matthew 5:33-37. In the first reading, St. Paul reminds us to be the ambassador for Christ in reconciling with one another and with God. It is the act of being at peace with one another and with God makes us a new creation in Christ. God’s redeeming act is seen and witnessed through the personal moments of forgiveness with one another and the work of Christ stands supreme. “For our sake God made Him to be sin who knew no sin.” (2 Cor.5:21). The distance widened by our personal sin is reduced and even completely disappeared by the sacrificial act Christ’s love on the Cross. It is our turn now in the world to continue with the mission of reconciliation and making peace with everyone as the purpose of our Christian living. Our newness in Christ Jesus is to be witnessed through our humility and forgiveness. The act of reconciliation is not just a human skill or an art. But, “It is all God’s work through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation:” (2 Cor.5:8). We need to be honest with God and one another. Wherever there is dishonesty, there is no room for peace, and reconciliation. The responsorial Psalm praises, “The Lord is compassion and love.” (Ps.102:8). Jesus invites us to be consistent in what we say and we do. Our promises that we make to God and one another must be honoured at all cost. Jesus demands integrity and sincerity in our daily living. Let there be no tension between our promises and practices. Telling one thing and doing the opposite will compromise our image as a believer in Christ. Trusting in God and trusting with one another cannot be compromised by any standard of living. It is all about being truthful in our human relationship to establish a consistent connection with God. Forgiving, reconciling and restoring requires a tremendous amount of trustfulness to one another and with God. Let us try by all means to take the promises seriously not casually. Let us be spontaneous and real being truthful. “Simply let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ means ‘No’. (Mt.5:37). May you have a good day.

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