It is 11th October 2017. We celebrate the memorial of Saint John XXIII, pope. The readings are from Jonah 4:1-11; and the Gospel from Luke 11:1-4. In the first reading, we meet Jonah who complains, annoyed and angered because God has relented, changed His mind and showed mercy to those sinful people of Nineveh. The readings clarify tension between prayer and practice. We pray for one thing and God does the exactly the opposite. Or we wish to see something happening to someone because we have prayed but God is silent. Prophet Jonah did not want God to be merciful to those sinners except the chosen ones. Our declaration and demonstration of faith in our humble proclamation must make someone to feel how gracious and forgiving God is rather than God being revengeful and punishing. God will do anyhow what God has planned for God’s people when they are willing to leave the evil and come one step closer to God no matter who they are and where they live. “You are concerned about the bush, for which you did not labour and which you did not grow; it came into being in a night and perished in a night. And should I not be concerned about Nineveh.” (Jonah 4:9). The responsorial Psalm acclaims, “Lord, you are merciful and gracious.” (Ps.86:15). Jesus gives us a model prayer. It is the prayer that acknowledges and recognizes the graciousness of ever-forgiving God coupled with praise and asking for protection from all temptations. We are assured and taught by Jesus that we have a loving Father who cares for us. So, we must enkindle the fire of love through our humble submission in prayers. Let God prepare our mind in our prayers to accept the will of God even though it may be completely different from what we desire to have deeply. May you have a good day.

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