It is 11th December 2017. We celebrate the memorial of St. Damasus, a Pope. In the first reading, the prophet Isaiah offers an optimistic vision for those who are returning from exile telling that God himself will come to save them. It is the words of consolation that strengthened and provided hope for all people. The vision presented a tremendous hope extending to the desert and the weak. The desert would bloom and the weak would experience the glory of God. God would give a new perception to God’s people to see all these good things in their lives. Yes, indeed during the second week of the Advent as we are preparing ourselves spiritually, our parched souls will be watered and nurtured by the spirit of God, the living water. When God visits us in our lives, miracles do happen. The miracles of God will restore joy and freedom for all those who have gone through humiliating time during this year. God himself free us from fear all kinds and makes freely to move closer to God through His Son Jesus. God heals our blindness, deafness, lameness, the dumbness leading us to burst forth with joy. People who are pure in heart enjoy such miracles. The readings are from Isaiah 35:1-10; and the Gospel from Luke 5:17-26. God’s peace will be experienced for all those who adhere the Word of God and willingly to approach the Sacrament of Reconciliation. “Joy and gladness will go with them and sorrow and lament be ended.” (Is.35:10). The responsorial Psalm sings, “Look, our God is coming to save us.” (Is.35:4). We read and reflect the miracle of Jesus healing the lame man leaping like a deer. When God forgives our sins, our spiritual and physical paralysis would disappear. We need to prepare to meet Jesus with the willingness to confess and to believe in Him. God alone can forgive our sins in the Sacrament of Penance. Moving away from ‘I’ ness to ‘we’ ness. ‘I’ symbolizes the illness in us and we signifies the wellness in and around us. Let us come closer to the integral wellness as we all deal with the impact of the illness of our bodies and souls. May God help us to recognize those unwanted pieces not allowing us to experience God’s peace in our lives. May you have a good day.

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