It is 22nd December 2017. The readings are from 1 Samuel 1:24-28; and the Gospel from Luke 1:46-56. God fills the hungry and lifts the lowly during the Advent. The glory of God is sung through the Magnificat of Mary in the New Testament and the Song of Hannah, in the Old Testament. This is the song of self-surrender to God in full. It is the sheer recognition of God’s goodness in their lives. in the final analysis, there is no one deserves the praises and glory like that of our God. The first reading presents the testimony of a lowly servant who pleaded for a child from God and was given Samuel, a gift from God in her old age. “The Lord granted me what I asked him.” (1 Sam.1:26). Hannah rejoiced and offered all that belongs to God. We all ask God for many favors most of the times, but we do not come back to the Lord to offer our gratitude and to sing the mighty works of God done in our lives. As long as we get the intended petitions, we seem to behave and conduct ourselves so differently. But then, once we have obtained what we have asked from the Lord, we seem to be indifferent and having selective amnesia citing so many excuses and lies. The Advent is the time to sing the glory of God in our lives publicly. The responsorial Psalm sings, “My heart exults in the Lord my Savior.” (1 Sam.2:1). The Gospel offers the Magnificat, the hymn of praise that reveal the great things the Lord has done to Mary, the handmaid of the Lord. In this poem, Mary sings of God’s grace, the glory of God, the sovereignty of God against the perennial oppressive human desires such as pride, power and wealth and inviting us all to sing the same in our lives. Communities, political powers and wealth must bow down before God and serve God. This is the most revolutionary poem by a lady that brings out how God is mindful of God’s people who are hungry, poor and lowly. She exulted God duly because God never forgot the promises made to the humanity. Mary substantiated her praises and exultation by her humble service to Elizabeth. “Mary stayed with Elizabeth, about three months and then went back.” (Lk.1:56). May our praises of God be accompanying by the humble services to those who are in need in our communities. May the Lord satisfy our hunger and lift us all from the lowly state we might be in. May you have a good day.

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