It is 12th May 2018. We celebrate the memorials of Saints Nereus and Achilleus, Pancras, the Martyrs. The readings are from Acts 18:23-28; and the Gospel from John 16:23-28. God sends timely help and resources through people when we work for the Lord and His people. It is the enthusiasm to work for Christ and the humility to go beyond ourselves makes the Christ known far and wide. God always gives us people of erudition, knowledge and wisdom to work with. It is in this humble communion with one another as a team we can spread the Word of God to all people. In the first reading, God gives Apollos, the learned philosopher who supported the Church in Corinth explaining to the Jews and the newly converted Christians what the Scripture in hold about Jesus and leading them to experience the truth and joy in Christ, the saviour and the risen Lord. St. Paul begins the third and the last missionary journey from Antioch. The missionary companion God gave to Paul was the resourceful person gifted with philosophy and the knowledge of Scripture indeed the gift from God. We are invited to render a helping hand with the gifts and skills God entrusted to us for the welfare of the Church and the spreading of the Good News. All that we have been given by God or we have acquired by our efforts must be put in the right use of the proclamation of the Gospel of Christ. The responsorial Psalm praises, “God is king of all the earth.” (Ps.46:8). Jesus encourages us all to ask for the Holy Spirit because He is returning to the Father. Our prayer must not just be sufficient in asking for personal protection and blessings, it needs to be for having confidence and belief in the Lord to increase always. “Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete.” (Jn.16:24). Our prayers have to offer us the joy that the Holy Spirit alone can offer. As we have just begun the novena to the Holy Spirit, may our hearts be filled with the Spirit of God in pleading for the power of the Spirit to influence every part of our lives. May you have a good day. God bless you.