It is 14th July 2018. We celebrate the memorial of Camillus. Priest. He was a soldier and was addicted to gambling until he was converted by St. Philip Neri at the age of 25. He was ordained a priest at the age of 34 with the commitment to serve and to uplift the life of the sick. He had the special call to care for the sick and eventually he founded the congregation in the name of “Servants of the Sick.” He is the patron of hospitals, nurses, and the sick. The readings are from Isaiah 6:1-8; and the Gospel from Matthew 10:24-33. We are all invited by God to become a religious or a lay person. We are healed by God to heal the world around. We are made rich by God to make the world rich and beautiful. We are blessed with the knowledge and wisdom to enlighten those who live in darkness. God is looking for someone to carry the light forward by acknowledging our willingness. Most of us remain idle and non-cooperative to the plan of God by having a self-guilt, self-blame, shaming and naming ourselves unworthy spiritually and mentally. Yes, we have the right express our unworthiness to God to the task and the noble service for God and humanity. We must learn to believe that God makes us worthy to accomplish what God wants. God is looking for a generous, cooperative, willing and committed persons for the suffering humanity to be healed by God’s Word. For the entire week ahead, we begin reading and reflecting from the Prophet Isaiah. Today’s passage is the call of Isaiah to be God’s prophet. “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I; send me!” (Is. 6:1). All of us are called by God to serve and heal the wounds of the world. Just like St. Camillus who had physical sore in his leg till he died, yet he ventured to heal the sick around. We all have our wounds, sickness, sinfulness and unworthiness, yet God calls us to heal the suffering humanity. Let not our unworthiness be a perennial excuse not to respond to God. The vocation is opposed to avocation indeed. The vocation is primarily a personal encounter with God in which one is changed for the better and for the welfare of the others. All ‘me’ sickness is healed by the virtue of having the consciousness and awareness of ‘we’. In the quest and pursuit of healing the world around, we are spontaneously and unconsciously healed from all spiritual, mental, physical ailments in us. When our life becomes the music to the depressed souls of the humanity, there is a new dance with a vigorously renewed steps in the lives of the other. Let us always be careful about singing the songs of unworthiness and sinfulness of our souls rather let us begin to sing the songs of healing, restoration and renewal that comes by God’s healing vision to our souls. The responsorial Psalm praises, “The Lord is king, with majesty enrobed.” (Ps.92:1). The Gospel teaches us not to fear in imparting the goodness and healing to a fault-finding and ungrateful humanity. The providence of God is generous enough to provide all the needs in times of anxiety and worry. It is by the constant rapport with the humanity that is in need, we begin to share the goodness of the Lord. God’s goodness and forgiveness cannot be experienced by the others in mere words but surely in humble actions without expecting rewards and promotions. May our lives resonate the goodness of God in every tiny bit of act and word of ours. May the vocations we have received from the Lord, heal the word around and make them realise that there is someone cares still. May you have a good day.