It is 18th January 2019. The readings are from Hebrews 4:1-5, 11; and the Gospel from Mark 2:1-12. We make so many promises to one another, to the Church and ultimately to God. At the end, we completely forget the promise or just water down the promise we ourselves made or conveniently forget to escape the commitment and responsibility involved in such promises. At times, we are not honest with the simple promises we have made to one another and much worse is that the promises we have made to God. Right from the beginning God has made promises to humanity and God was, is and will be faithful and consistent in God’s promises. When trust is at stake, the promise is broken or undermined. God promises rest for us all who trusts in God. Experiencing peace and rest means to taste the eternal joy offered by God alone. We all who have fulfilled the promises to God and to the community are worthy of such rest God alone could give to us. A fruitful completion of God’s promise in our lives deserves the rest for our beings and of our souls. Rest in the Bible means the seventh day of creation, the weekly Sabbath, the promise land, peace with God through Christ, and our eternal rest in Christ after our death. God wants us to enjoy this rest. Reaching a place and relating with someone denotes the rest yet what we find in Christ is much profoundly fruitful and rewarding. For us believers who have been honest with God in appreciating the promises we have made through the commitment and faith in Christ Jesus enjoy the rest and peace here on earth on a daily basis. “We who have faith shall reach a place of rest.” (Heb. (4:3). The responsorial Psalm intercedes, “Never forget the deeds of the Lord.” (Ps.77:7). The Gospel teaches us that when the roof of doubt and resistance is removed, the healing is possible. Without faith in Christ and reconciling with God through the Sacrament of Penance, we cannot be guaranteed of the rest and the healing Jesus offers to all of us. When sin is forgiven by the Lord, there is so much of peace and healing returns to our souls. More we find fault with the others, dissecting and destroying the others, we will remain sinful and restless for the rest of our lives. May we choose God for the rest and healing we require to live a healthy life. May you have a good day.