It is 30th January 2019. The readings are from Hebrews 10:11-18; and the Gospel from Mark 4:1-20. Perfection comes by consecration of our souls and being. We are all consecrated by the incomparable sacrifice of Christ. Our spiritual perfection is attained by the forgiveness of sins. There is no sin offering offered by any human agent could provide the means to have a perfect consecration. In order to experience the perfect consecration of our hearts and souls, we need to have the forgiveness of sins offered through the sacrifice of the Lord. There is no early maturity possible in the spiritual growth. There is no shortcuts and detour for the spiritual growth. We are consecrated by the single sacrifice of Jesus and that holds the inherent antidote to all sinful inclinations and sins. In the first reading, we reflect, “By virtue of that one single offering, Jesus has achieved the eternal perfection of all whom he is sanctifying. When all sins have been forgiven, there can be no more sin offerings.” (Heb.10:13,18). The responsorial psalm praises, “You are a priest for ever, a priest like Melchizedek of old.” (Ps.109:4). In the Gospel we reflect about the parable of the seed and the soil. The desired harvest and yielding are achievable only by the disposition of the quality of the soil. Formation of character and personality happens to the ones who are willing to be in-formation that leads to have re-formation and eventually culminates in transformation. When the seed is modified by the wilful interference into the core substance of the seed, it ends to have an alteration in its harvest. Otherwise, it is the unforgiving heart that seems like a like a path, a rocky surface and a thorny busy which never have the capacity to provide growth within. Unless we are consecrated and forgiven, we cannot produce the fullest harvest that God desires and wills in every seed. May the Lord give us the courage to be perfect by allowing ourselves to be consecrated in truth and love. May you have a good day.