It is 9th February 2019. The readings are from Hebrews 13:15-17, 20-21; and the Gospel from Mark 6:30-34. Our rest and relaxation must not result in restlessness and laziness. Most of us work so hard to earn our living. We plan so much for the day daily. We still feel that we could have achieved and completed still more works. There is also lot of frustration that our plans were not accomplished. We over do many things for our satisfaction and happiness we prefer and end up in selective listening to those who are above us. Many of us pay so much attention to the work at hand forgetting God in our hearts. There are some advices make us more productively fruitful and meaningful. In the first reading the author invites us to consider some of the vital activities to have a balance between a hectic life style and the rest that our beings truly deserve. We are invited to offer sacrifices that offer us the rest we need. The sacrifice of loving, sharing, praying with praises, and endless doing good are the activities that surely bring blessings of rest and relaxation we truly deserve. As we are expected to be responsible to what is entrusted to us, so there are leaders above us who are answerable to God for what we are and what we do. This does not mean that the leaders have power over us rather they have a privilege to present us to God. When we serve in love, there is so much joy we obtain in what we do. We do not need to do good and sharing the best to please our leaders but always God. Jesus pleased the Father and obeyed God even though He was the Son of God. Our sacrifices must be motivated in compassion and love not just be in the good books of our leaders. We must make every effort not make our leaders to feel painful and burdened about what we say and do. The responsorial Psalm praises, “The Lord is my shepherd there is nothing I shall want.” (Ps.22:1). The Gospel teaches us that we all deserve the rest and relaxation after a hectic work. Reporting to the Lord and being in His company is the best rest our souls deserve. We all need to find a place where we can be ourselves with our God and us alone. Unless we recharge ourselves in silence, solitude and personal prayer, we cannot be fruitful in our humble service. Our compassion and love for those in need must exceed the rest we duly deserve. Our quiet time and being away from the crowded situation and people offer the energy to our souls to regenerate to the fullest. May we make every opportunity as a fruitful and rewarding moment by being compassionately responsible by our worship, obedience and unbiased charity. May you have a good day. God bless you.