It is 12th May 2019. We celebrate the fourth Sunday of Easter, known
as Good Shepherd Sunday, is also the “World Day of Prayer for
Vocations.” Jesus is the Good Shepherd who leads, nourishes,
provides, protects, reprimands and rejuvenates us and wishes everyone
to be saved and to be entrusted to God. It is the day we need to be
thankful for the Shepherds God has given us in the persons of our Arch
Bishop Alex Thomas, the priests and all of us who shepherd the other
in one way or the other in daily life. As long as Jesus is our
Shepherd, so long we are safe and journey towards God. The readings
are from Acts 13:14, 43-52; the second reading is from Revelations
7:9, 14-17; and the Gospel from John 10:27-30. To evangelise one needs
to believe in Jesus, the Good Shepherd and in His Words. Taking
everyone on board during evangelising is the key to fruitful and
inclusive proclamation of the Gospel of salvation. In the first
reading we are invited to embrace the examples of the Apostles
Barnabas and Paul not to stop evangelising even if the situations are
hostile and resisting. Some of us are waiting eagerly to be consoled
and guided by the Word of God. We who have been touched by the Good
Shepherd Jesus need to evangelise. “I have set you to be a light for
the Gentiles, so that you may bring salvation to the ends of the
earth.” (Acts.13:47). We need to be holy, humble and generous to the
Lord and the message of Christ. If not by us, who then? And if not
now, when then? There is tremendous joy in working for the spreading
of Gospel and for Christ beyond our comfort space and convenience.
The responsorial Psalm acclaims, “We are his people, the sheep of his
flock.” (Ps.100:3). In the second reading we are strengthened by the
vision of St. John that the Lamb who washed away all our sins also
wipes all our tears and removes our sorrow and trouble. We continue
to worship Him with the multitude of the innumerable Holy Ones. The
Gospel assures that the eternal life is offered by the Good Shepherd
Jesus to all who listen to Him. If we love Jesus, we will have no
difficulty in listening to Him and we are assured by Him that we
belong to Him and no one can snatch us from His loving and ever
protecting grip. May the Lord help us to accept His shepherding and
be cautious of a harmful digital environment that alienates us from
God. May you have a good day. May God bless you.

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