It is 26th May 2019. We are in the Sixth Sunday of Easter. The readings are from Acts 15:1-2, 22-29; the second reading is from Revelations 21:10-14, 22-23; and the Gospel from John 14:23-29. Without a new lesson, we cannot experience the vision and elucidate the mission of Christ. The new lesson for the growing Church was to create space and worship that is conducive for all people without imposing or suppressing any personal agenda and wishes. The first reading teaches us to have a dialogue with everyone through the help of the Holy Spirit. Believing in Jesus is the paramount to salvation. No rituals could replace Jesus, the Lamb, the Lamp, and the light. The extreme position and unnecessary imposition of anything was avoided by all means in saving souls for the Lord. No one has the power and resource to oppose what is decided by the Holy Spirit through the Church. We are all on our journey as co-travellers and so we need not impose any extra burden to anyone until we reach the Lord. The responsorial Psalm praises, “O God let all the nations praise you!” The lesson leads us to have a new vision of the Church, New Jerusalem. God created this spiritual space for the glory of God to be revealed and the light and joy of the Risen Lord Jesus to be experienced in our temple, own physical body. Faith of these visionary believers is built upon the apostolic foundation. God expresses the desire to live in our hearts ever shining through our conscience and the openness to embrace truth and to spread the love of Christ to all people. The farewell message of the Apostles in the first readingand the farewell discourse of Jesus in the Gospel had something in common that is the unity that brings peace of Christ to all who profess their faith Jesus, the Lord and Saviour. Faith becomes strong by perseverance that built upon harmony and unity. Only through love and preferential optional for the lesser brothers and sister, we experience the presence of God and Christ in our lives. The arrival of the Paraclete, the Advocate, the Holy Spirit to teach, remind, guide, defend, mediate, encourage, persuade, exhort, stir up, and urge us forward in hope. The Holy Spirit is the giver of peace. Jesus promised us the Paraclete, the third person of the Most Holy Trinity, to give God’s peace to us to comfort and make us to communicate with God as children. We are constantly strengthened by the way we love one another. Our faith will be empty and wordy if there is no love and charity in our Christian living. We are loved so unconditionally by God and Christ so that we love other people even though the others seem to be unworthy of our love. Peace of Christ is not merely a display of a human emotion rather it is the experience of having abiding presence of the Risen Lord in we do and say. May we all experience peace of Christ by embracing a new vision of letting in everyone to experience the love of Christ. May you have a good day. God bless you.

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