It is 30th May 2019. The readings are from Acts 18:1-8; and the Gospel from John 16:16-20. Evangelisation without opposition, rejection and persecution is very rare indeed. It is better to move forward with faith and optimism even after being abused verbally and physically. Our perseverance and prayer will reward us when we are polarised and hated repeatedly by the group we belong and for the community we serve. We must always strive to be truthful, honest, sincere and patient in dealing with so-called notorious and corrupted people. Giving up on difficult people is not going to help us to evangelise. In the first reading, we reflect on the perseverance and prayerful approach of Paul in Corinth, a luxurious, corrupted and commercial and religious centre. He spent 18 months evangelising. Many were converted and embraced Christianity through the Sacrament of Baptism. “Many of the Corinthians who heard Paul became believers and were baptized.” (Acts.18:8). When we are not listened, we do not need to fight and force our faith on anyone. We have so many other people for whom the Lord will allow us to serve elsewhere. Though there may be struggles and unnecessary tensions, God always send people to render enough people and resources to evangelise like Priscilla and Aquila. “If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Rom.10:9). To be fruitful in the work of evangelisation, we need to have a mind-set to adopt and change for the common good, to be opened, and willingness to travel and journey on further with hope and peace. We must never give up in the mission of Christ, even it is not rewarding for the time being. The responsorial Psalm acclaim, “The Lord has revealed to the nations his saving power.” (Ps.98:2). In the Gospel, having completed the mission of the Father, Jesus expressed his intentions of returning to the Father. The physical proximity is not going to be there with the disciple as before and there brought so much of grief and pain in the hearts of them. It is our turn now to continue the work of the Lord and spread the Good News of salvation and peace. It is only by his departure from this world, the arrival of the Holy Spirit happened. Letting someone go is the assurance we offer to continue to glorify God. His departure is for our advantage in receiving the Holy Spirit. In spite of all trials and tribulation that we are facing in the work of evangelisation, Jesus is with us in the person of the Holy Spirit who strengthens and provides us to work for the Lord and to spread the Good News. We must not be upset about those who curse us and ignore and undermine us. May the Lord help us to continue the work of evangelisation with the power of the Holy spirit. May you have a good day.

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