It is 23rd October 2019. We celebrate the memorial of saint John of Capistrano, priest. The readings are from Romans 6:12-18; and the Gospel from Luke 12:39-48. Sin uses all the gifts of God for its alluring pleasures and making us slaves and addicts to its inclinations. Sin abuses God-given freedom for its selfish desires. When we sin, our intelligence, will, emotions, memory, eyes, speech, hands, feet to offend the Giver of these gifts. Among God’s gifts, the most precious gift is human body and being for consecration, mutual love, untiringly doing justice and good to the service of God and the benefit of the others. In order to come out of this vicious and venomous circle of sin, St. Paul proposes in the first reading that “we should make every part of our body into a weapon fighting on the side of God; and then sin will no long dominate our life, since we are living by grace and not by law.” (Rom.6:13,14). Our prayer, reflection, formation and missionary charity always nourish us to celebrate the life in the Spirit. A constant renewal, updating our initial learning in the sacred scripture, catechesis and on-going faith formation with bountiful creativity would help us to come closer to God and the Church. Beginning of new life guaranteed in the justification of Christ through redemption and freedom from sin. We must strive to shun all the possibilities of sinning because we are capable of sinning. The responsorial Psalm prays, “Our help is in the name of the Lord.” (Ps.123:8). With the power comes the responsibility. We who enjoy authority will be seriously punished if we abuse, exploit, oppress the people of God, and God’s creation. The Gospel teaches us to be vigilant and faithful to the task that is entrusted to us regularly and consistently. By sincere detachment in managing the resources by allowing others to be served first is praised by Jesus in the Gospel. A fully informed servant is the one who is totally formed leader. We become unfaithful servants when we intentionally and wilfully exclude God and maliciously become immoral in refusing to welcome and recognise the plan of God. God will ask the account of all that we are and all that we have done. Our choice will determine the reward or exclusion. We are all entrusted with much, and much is truly demanded. May we be the giver of God’s gift in our offering, proclaiming and sharing without fearing the evil and marching forward with merciful acts flowing with charity. May you have a good day. May God bless you.

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