It is 27th December 2019. We celebrate the Feast of St John, the Apostle and Evangelist. The readings are from 1 John 1:1-4; and the Gospel from John 20:2-8. A conversation without love is a waste of time and cheating ourselves. An effective conversation with God builds up a strong and lasting friendship with God and Jesus. Without conversation with God regularly, there is no way one can be converted. Those who are truly converted only can become charitable people. Any conversation wrapped in love does not remain in the level of words but leads us to effective actions. St. John teaches us that The Word loaded with love is the Word of Life totally expressed in the person of Jesus. “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” (Jn.1:1). The invisible presence of God made tangible and visible to us only by the transformation of Word turned into flesh. It is impossible to remain unnoticed when we have experienced the power of the Word and that eventually brings us the everlasting joy from Christ. “We have seen with our own eyes; that we have watched and touched with our hands: The Word, who is life.” (1 Jn.1:1). To be a witness to the mystery of incarnation and willing to enter in the Passion and Death of our Lord Jesus is the proof our love for Him. The responsorial Psalm praises, “Rejoice, you just, in the Lord.” (Ps.96:12). The Gospel teaches us that how the apostles Peter and John believed and certified the resurrection of Jesus. “He saw and he believed.” (Jn.20:8). Seeing something empty yet be filled with hope and courage of offering an insight into the resurrection is the depth of love St. John showed us. May we imbibe the spirit of St. John in loving God and neighbour. Let us not hold anything against anyone. May our conversation with God lead us to communicate with the others in love. Only by loving we bring Heaven here on earth. May God bless you to have the boldness to love the other person.

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