It is 21st January 2020. We celebrate the memorial of St Agnes, Virgin and Martyr. The readings are from 1 Samuel 16:1-13 and the Gospel from Mark 2:23-28. Though the world looks for a tale, good-looking, strategic, self-managing, skilful, innovative, creative, efficient, influential, interpersonal, expressive, goal-oriented, motivating, mobilising, confident, constructive, coordinating, and knowledgeable with endless lists for a proposed leader, but God looks at a person with a heart and harmoniously connected to the plan of God. God is indeed on the lookout for someone to lead not by cover but by content. God is not impressed by mere appearance but seeks to find a person with love and obedience. God will not choose a leader by a human standard but chooses someone who listens the language of God. We read and reflect the anointing of David by the prophet Samuel. When leaders do their own things, God swiftly replaces them. God anoints David through Samuel to discern and direct, decide and deliver, deliberate and designate, dine and diet, dispose and develop in a given situation. The choice of the Lord is unmatchable and incomprehensible. The Spirit of the Lord rests on the person God chooses. “The Lord said, ‘come anoint him, for this is the one,’ and the Spirit of the Lord seized on David and stayed with him from the day on.” (1 Sam.16:12). The Responsorial Psalm praises, “I have found David, my servant.” (Ps.88:21). The Gospel explains the importance of a person over outward ritual observances. We need to be on guard over a mechanical way of worship rather to aspire for humane and loving sacrifices. Observance of a particular religious law must not suffocate the wind-pipes of human existence. Religious practices are to be considered always as a means not as an end. Promoting and preserving human life with the power of the Holy Spirit must be with the intention and end of our quest for truth. May we be always be careful in choosing the welfare of a human person over upholding religious practices. May you have a good day. God bless you.