It 9th February 2020. We celebrate the Fifth Week in Ordinary time. The readings are from Isaiah 58:7-10; the second reading is 1 Corinthians 2:1-5; and the Gospel from Matthew 5:13-16. Purity of heart is the light that makes us to be charitable through our faith in God. It is nearly impossible to share one’s resources with the other when we are not altruistic. The first reading clearly teaches us that our light shines when we are charitable. “Share your bread with the hungry, sheltering the oppressed and the homeless; clothing the naked when you see them, and not turning your back on your own. Then light shall rise for you in the darkness, and the gloom shall become for you like midday” (Is. 58:7, 10). Our light shines when we make someone smile internally. The Responsorial Psalm reminds us, “The just man is a light in the darkness to the upright.” (Ps.112:4a). St. Paul, in the second reading, teaches us that Jesus is the light we all need to encounter and embrace. Our faith must not rely on human wisdom rather we need to be inspired and instilled by the mystery of the cross and crucifixion of Christ the Lord. Today’s Gospel presents us with two metaphors namely salt and light. Charity preserves the humanity and makes it beautiful and meaningful to live. To be a fruitful Christian is to carry the light without fear and seasoning the humanity with love and charity. The Catechism shares in CCC 850: “The ultimate purpose of mission is none other than to make men and women share in the communion between the Father and the Son in their Spirit of love.” Our faith in God and in Jesus allows and strengthens us to be the salt and light to the humanity. We need to be noticeable and lovable by our loving and caring action that make others to come to the eternal Light Jesus. Let us “learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; defend the fatherless, plead for the widow.” (Is.1:17). We are all called to be missionary disciples by doing good works that attract the others to recognise the Hand of God and to praise God. As the light is for the other, so may all our good works be. Let us add colour and taste to the humanity with our selfless services. We must all work hard to deal with the menace from within that poisons the community. Without God’s love and mercy, we cannot be selfless, sacrificing, and sanctifying. Unless we become the salt and light of Christ, we cannot achieve this. Even when people do not recognise and appreciate, light continues to shine and salt remains tasty in proportion. Let us continue to light up the world with the spark of faith in Jesus. May you have a good day. May God bless you.