It is 16th March 2020. The readings are from 2Kings 5:1-15; and the Gospel from Luke 4:24-30. Healing comes from the Lord. God never forgets God’s people even during the pandemic. Most of us live now in fear of covid-19. The first reading offers us hope and courage to live a life that pleases the Lord during the time of sickness. It invites us to “wash and be clean”. It is not just mere physical washing but also the washing of our sins too. More we deal with our sins, we become integrally clean and healthy. God uses all that are available and ordinary things to heal us. We need to take all the precautions needed and to follow the guidelines of the government and the Church to continue to be healthy and allowing others to be healthy too. It is indeed the time to clean ourselves with the living water, Jesus Christ. It is also the time to assure people around that there is a living God who cares and the Son of God who heals. The responsorial Psalm expresses our inner longing, “My soul is thirsting for the living God. When shall I see him face to face?” (Ps. 42:2). The Gospel invites us to spread the hope, love and healing to all people even if they do not know the Lord. Jesus is present in all our life circumstances especially during the dark cloud of fear and anxiety over the virus that threatens our ordinary encounter with each other. If we continue to live in sin, it will not be possible to experience the healing presence of our Lord in our lives. What we truly require is the faith in Him who can take care of everything in us. Let us continue to place our trust in Him with the communion antiphon, “I love the Lord, because he has heard my voice and my supplications. Because he inclined his ear to me, therefore I will call on him as long as I live.” (Ps.116:1,2). May you have a good day. God bless you.

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