It is 16th April 2020. The readings are from Acts 3:11-26; and the Gospel from Luke 24:35-48. There is a close link with our personal conversion that leads us to have inner peace which propels us to be the witnesses for the Risen Lord. The reverse is also true. Whenever we find it hard to be a witness for the Risen Lord, we would surely lack the inner peace that the Risen Lord offers to those who genuinely believe and follow Him. Easter brings new life, new perspective and new vision. Without Easter, there is no Church. The resurrection of Jesus changes everything. Life and love of the Risen Lord is guaranteed for all of us. Our faith in the Resurrected Jesus changes the distance and remoteness we have toward the other. The Easter is the peak display of miracle of love of God shown in the Only Son. The resurrected people need to solidarize with others. Unless we change ourselves from our selfishness, individualism, and materialism, we cannot acknowledge the truth and the light of Christ we experience during our healing. The first reading strongly points out it is Christ to be credited for the healing of the person not anyone. The confession of St. Peter’s testimony about the selective rejection of the Son of God over the condemned person demands conversion from all the listeners including us. Lot of people are after miracles and miracle workers these days forgetting the miracle of Love. Some worship and idolize ministers of the Word than the Word made Flesh. There is a spontaneous and magnetic pull towards the human persons who perform the acts of mercy than to surrender ourselves to God of mercy. God is the miracle of love, mercy and peace who cares and fills us with peace, protection and provisions. “And in your descendants, all the families of the earth shall be blessed. When God raised up his servant, he sent him first to you, to bless you by turning each of you from your wicked ways.” (Acts.3:26). The responsorial Psalm acclaims, “O Lord, our God, how wonderful your name in all the earth.” (Ps.8:1). The Gospel narrates the personal encounter of the risen Jesus with the disciples. The encounter with the Risen Lord enhances the vision of our mission on earth. It is not for a spiritual enlightenment of oneself to boast and boost one’s fame and name among people but to become the witnesses of love, peace and forgiveness. Peace is the proof of the presence of the Risen Lord during this most difficult time of pandemic. Peace even though an ordinary daily greeting among the Jewish people yet it is the messianic blessing. “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. Not as the world do, I give it to you…” (John 14:27). Out of the sufferings and sacrifice of Christ rises the mission of the Risen Lord. As we are practicing the social distancing, we need to be united patriotically respecting all people by being the witnesses of love, truth and life to people around. All kinds of division, hatred, seclusion must disappear from our hearts because God has bestowed us all with the gift of peace that offers a mindset to work for the common good and for the welfare of the community. Let us become the agents of healing, forgiveness, peace and harmony wherever we are and offer the utmost credit to God for all that we still enjoy in our life. Jesus himself stood among them, and said to them, “Peace to You.” (Lk.24:48). May God bless you all.

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