It is 24th April 2020. The readings are from Acts 5:34-42; and the Gospel from John 6:1-15. We wish all our brothers and sisters during the holy month of Ramadan. May their fasting and prayers bring peace, harmony, healing and unity to entire humanity. During this time of connection, reflection and redirection of life to God so intimately, let us continue to uplift the poor, the sick and the vulnerable population of the world. As the doors of Heaven are open during this time of Ramadan, may our hearts be generous towards our brothers and sisters who are in need. Ramadan Mubarak. The first reading presents us with the wide-open opportunity to work for God to those who are willing to go through all it takes. The Apostles were reprimanded by the elders not to continue their teaching. But God inspires one of them to think differently. God’s love for humanity cannot be shut by anyone. God does not appear during a particular time to particular people rather God permeates the human heart that is seeking and open. God uses us to bring about the plan God has for humanity. The movement of God is traced and tracked in the moments of humanity. “If this plan or this undertaking is of human origin, it will fail; but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them — in that case you may even be found fighting against God!” (Acts. 5:38-39). Humanity has no option left except to lean on God. Fighting against God and God’s plan for humanity is impossible and the failure is inevitable. It is time to run with the divine current in the rivers of life. The benefactors of God are found in every culture, religion and community to promote God through love and charity. We need to respect and relate with the other religions always. The responsorial Psalm intercedes, “One thing I seek: to dwell in the house of the Lord.” (Ps.26:4). We begin to reflect about the Eucharist through the story of multiplication of bread from the Gospel. Feeding people means to lead someone closer to divine. Jesus fed people not just by bread and fish but by giving himself. A leader who gives himself totally becomes the food for the hungry humanity. The riches of God are always self-manifesting in the poverty of every creature. People give today to get something. On the contrary, Jesus gave himself completely to lose himself for the other. God cannot fill us until we empty ourselves. Self-emptying is the ultimate sharing every human heart needs to practice. There is no shortage and starvation in the providence of God. However, little we have, let us give it to the those who are going hungry not for a miracle of multiplication of bread but for the abundance of love shown without expectation. May you have a good day. God bless you.

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