It is 10th May 2020. We celebrate the fifth Sunday of Easter. The readings are from Acts 6:1-7; the second is from 1 Peter 2:4-9; and the Gospel from John 14:1-12. There is a shortage of life, truth and way during this pandemic in many things. Many people are losing loved ones, families disintegrating, jobs disappearing, hopes evaporating, connection intercepted, business liquifying, lives are lost and the infection has already reached 4 million around the world and the finding a vaccine for the corona remains a challenge still. The inherent longing to see God, at least to know the way where God resides or to have some truth about the whereabout of God during this pandemic has reached another level in every human being. When we are in a war, we have no resources to allocate for the petty issues. Failures cannot dampen the innumerable attempts made to find the best. Humanity is not in the mode of annihilation but in the abode of alteration. Nature has already adopted to the change around the world. It is our turn to move into new corridors of love, affection, care and hospitality. It is going to be different yet it is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Trusting would cost us a bit more than ever as the connections to establish in a feasible way yet to be explored by the caring humanity. There is a Way, Truth and Life in God. There is no shortage of creativity in God. Tested humanity tastes the savor of God in the most painful and fearsome moments facing the Way, the Truth and the Life. Everything is evolving with the innovation of bring the best out of the suffering humanity even amidst growing gloomy economy, roomy families, dreamy decisions, and sloppy solution. As the first reading points out, the meetings and mapping cannot be stopped for the humanity wrapped in sanctity that wishes to cater the needs of all people. The responsorial Psalm intercedes, “Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we place our trust in you.” (Ps.32:22). What we are going through in the entire humanity is making a spiritual house on the One who remains the cornerstone of our existence and exuberance. St. Peter points out that stumbling comes for the ones who disobey and refuse to pursue the Way, the Truth and the Life. “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people, so that you may proclaim the mighty acts of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. (1 Pet.2:9). The Gospel provides us a clear vision of God’s assurance in loving us. When we consider the Way, the Truth and the Life that is offered by Jesus, our inner peace and bodily healing are guaranteed by God and God alone through His Only Son Jesus. Let us unlock the doors of our faith during this physical lockdown and economical meltdown. Depression is an experience of the psyche for the one who can transcend in optimism. After all our happiness depends in the way we approach human life without distorting the truth and destroying the footprints of the ancestors with optimism and hope. Encounter and longing to see God cannot be easy for us until we experience the taste of the Word of God. We need to re-look at the way we pray and have service-filled worship these days as we are not able to be in worship places. The Way need to provide the means for the poor to reach home, the Truth cannot leave out the sparks from the impoverished humanity, and the Life has to promote harmony, solidarity, tolerance and respect for all. Short distanced rivets of love strengthen the bond of the humanity. Our conduct, behavior and attitude are to be glued together to experience the divine presence as the Way, the Truth and the Life in all that unfolds in the most difficult and challenging times. Humanity cannot go on building itself mansions of development and growth without the cornerstone, God himself. When faith and love become irrelevant, growth and renewal remain wordy, remote and repatriated. There is ample space in God’s home for all of us whether we are believer or a non-believer. There is hope and healing for the suffering humanity in God who revealed himself in His only Son Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life. May you have a good day. God bless you.

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