It is 4th June 2020. The readings are from 2 Timothy 2:8-15; and the Gospel from Mark 12:28-34.
The first reading consists of encouraging counsel from Paul to Timothy and the hymn of the early Christians instilling that it is by the immersion of the Baptismal waters we died once and for all for our sins and willingness to endure, witness, suffer to face the final judgment with the hope of being rewarded a place in Heaven.
Let not this most difficult time distant ourselves from God and one another even from ourselves.
Paul urges all of us to be careful about our words that divide and destroy our relationship with the others.
Speculations either exaggerate the truth or entertain a bunch of lies.
The responsorial Psalm prays, “Teach me your ways, O Lord.” (Ps. 25:4)
The Gospel invites us to examine and prioritize our love towards God and others.
Our personal love is inherent; Loving others is recurrent as loving God is the current.
Who do we need to love? God or others or ourselves.
The Gospel encourages us to demonstrate a love that is personal and intimate to others in reaching God.
It is very vague and vacuum to love God without ourselves and our brothers and sisters.
As we love God by listening to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, so we communicate with God by listening to the whisperings of the other.
Minimal words and maximum love are the recipe for loving God and others.
Issues of love erupts in excessive words in our life.
Love needs listening hearts not wordy discourses.
It is love with two sides, one for God and for the other allows us to experience joy, purity and healing in ourselves.
We are all busy loving. Our business of loving needs to have the investments of caring and sharing our personal resources with the others.
Love hurts and pains at times and that is what making us to explore and enter into deeper level of love.
Without adequate suffering and pain, there is no true love.
People who are incapable of loving themselves are incapacitated loving others and eventually enmesh God’s love.
May we connect with God by reconnecting ourselves with the one another beyond all that is disconnecting us from God and others.
May you have a good day. God bless you.

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