It is 15th June 2020. The readings are from 1 Kings 21:1-16; and the Gospel from Matthew 5:38-42.
Is it possible to do good to those who do evil to us? The answer could evoke so much of discussions and debates. The readings of the day teach us that it is possible when we believe in a God of forgiveness and mercy. Violence, retaliation, annihilation, destroying the common good is not the only response we could engage in when we are unjustly treated, abused and accused. Promoting judicial murder anonymously and condoning it with a calculated silence is the act of provoking justice of God. Even if the world lacks the resource to question the evil acts of those in higher office, the voice of God echoes the perpetrated evil until brought to the justice of God. When an innocent human being is brutally murdered by the fist of the powerful, vengeance of God keeps vigils at the corridors of the mighty demand justice to the poor.
The story of Naboth brings out how a ruler who is motivated by an evil person manipulates to achieve whatever he desires even eliminating and eradicating a poor, faithful farmer. Ahab, the king of Israel desired to have the only piece of land owned by Naboth who refused to offer even in exchange of another land. Desire is the root cause of all evils. Desire blinds and decomposes mercy, compassion and love for humanity. Jazebel, the queen confiscated the land by accusing the poor land owner and put him to death. Justice cannot be silenced by the accusations, force, power, threats, deaths and manipulation.
The responsorial Psalm prays, “Lord, listen to my groaning.” (Ps. 5:2)
Whatever we want, we want it by all means is the trend of the day. My way is the right way and my demands are the perfect ones. What I need is what I deserve and desire so I could go to any extend to get it. Most of us do have lost the gift of patience and acquired the evil of envy. It is very challenging and hard to be patient when we are the victims. An anonymous saying goes this way, “God has perfect timing; never early, never late. It takes a little patience and it takes a lot of faith but it’s worth the wait.” Patience is the leveler to the evil and the indescribable pain we go through.
In the Gospel, Jesus proposes a standard of conduct for his disciples. Jesus wanted His disciples to reject the proposed the Old Testament proportionate retaliation and vengeance to evil. “But if you endure when you do right and suffer for it, you have God’s approval.” (I Pet. 2:19). Our retaliation is an ordinary human response to the evil inflicted upon us. Most of our retaliations are personal vengeance. “But I say to you, offer no resistance to one who is evil.” (Mt.5:39). Our word, action and reaction in no way to escalate the evil within and around. Jesus does not teach us to be passive rather be proactive in forgiving, humbling and loving. We need to be extremely careful not to allow others using our vulnerability and brokenness for their own benefits and gaining momentum. Let us move away from the tit-for-tat attitude to allow God to respond to the evil that we cannot handle anymore. May you have a good day. God bless you.

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