When we believe in God, there is nothing fear

May the Lord give you peace and health in the Holy Spirit. It is 15th October 2021. We

May the Lord give you peace and health in the Holy Spirit.

It is 15th October 2021.

We celebrate the memorial of St Teresa of Avila, virgin, and doctor of the Church. St taught us: “Let nothing disturb you, Let nothing frighten you, God does not change, everything passes, Patience obtains all things. Whoever has God lacks nothing; God alone suffices.”

We reflect on Romans 4:1-8 and the Gospel of Luke 12:1-7.

When we believe in God, there is nothing fear but, we fear many things with all our piety and formal ways of worship.

It is faith that grants us the power to face it even when the unstoppable waves of sins shatter the edges that are strengthened by hope and love every day. “Blessed are those whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered; blessed is the one against whom the Lord will not reckon sin.” (Rom.4:8). We all have the hearts that like to get rid of sin and efforts in place in dealing with sins yet the memories of the sins in the past lurk in us or we are exposed to a moment of a new sin or are we are still battling with sins of the flesh day in and day. Repeatedly, God forgives and helps us to forget the traces and memories of sin. God even goes to the extent of erasing all the effects of sins from us. We all are eligible to receive the forgiveness of the Lord.

When we are in love, we think of the person and be with the person in his/ her presence either talking or listening. It is in those moments, we feel assured, loved, and generate power to face any fear. God does not hold anything against us even if we have fallen into the traps of sin set by the evil one. We can have a relationship with God unless we are willing to receive the reconciliation of Jesus, the Son of God. God approaches me in love as I am today not with the nets of purity and the filter of perfection to catch me.

The cloud of fear surrounds our life wherever we are and whatever we are doing. Yet, the consoling and courageous words of Jesus offers the power to face it all.

Let us not compromise God and the values of the Kingdom of God in pleasing humanity and its expectations. We all have our hypocrisy to deal with it daily. There is no need to be afraid of any person and their voices of crucifixion and condemnation. “Do not be afraid; you are of more value than many sparrows.” (Lk.12:7). May the Lord continue to dispel the darkness of fear when we have placed our faith in Jesus. God bless you.

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