We who live by faith and mercy of God always protected by the amnesty of God. 

Good morning good people, May the Lord give you peace, health, and happiness in the Holy Spirit. It

Good morning good people,

May the Lord give you peace, health, and happiness in the Holy Spirit.

It is 03rd August 2024.

Are we tired of being good and faithful to the Lord?

The readings are from Jeremiah 26:11-16, 24; and the Gospel from Matthew 14:1-12.

We who live by faith and mercy of God always protected by the amnesty of God.

In the first reading, the prophet Jeremiah enjoys the protection of God for having pointed out the sins and the evil in others.  To be sympathetic to sin is the approval of accommodating the shades of sins in our lives.  Just like the prophet, we need to listen to the voice of the Lord and to leading the others towards the same.

The smell of sins is everywhere; it is up to us to breathe in the clean breeze of holiness.

As the stinking smell of sin pollutes the people, so the fragrance of God’s mercy and healing purifies us in freedom and faith.  Handling evil without God and personal holiness leaves the smell of sin in our lives.  Confusion and contradictions are constantly dashing on the walls of lies and deception.  Sins never depart without leaving a mark on our memory, but grace of God washes thoroughly when we repent.

Even if the evil and evil people around us seem to enjoy the clemency of the majority, the possibility of being good does not depend on the evil ways of the others.

The power of God and God’s forgiving grace is mightier than the storms of sins in our life that threaten us daily.

Some of us are constantly striving to be good without expecting to be noticed by anyone.

In longing for the approval and appreciation for being good weakens the inner surface of courage and enthusiasm.  There is a sure reward for faithfulness and faith in God.  Our integrity is put to test repeatedly to experience the unwavering presence and power of God.

The responsorial Psalm pleads, “Lord, in your great love, answer me.” (Ps.69:14).

The beheading of John the Baptist is grim reminder of scapegoating the truth to please the pretentious lies.  The sacrifice of good people at the altar of lies continues even today for the sake of pleasure, power, people.  The innocents and the truthful are sacrificed by the majority to appease and quench the thirst for dominance and fake promises.

When the parents are evil, selfish, and power-hungry like Herodias, they push their children like Salome around to fall for their false security.  “A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.” (Mt.7:18).

The world can get rid of a bunch of good people like Jesus, the John the Baptist and so on but never silence the power of truth and love.  God’s love boosts our immunity and courage against selfishness and sin.  Let us continue to be the instruments of love, mercy and hope around.  May you have a good day.  God bless you.

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