We can be blind physically yet to be truthful is the light to the entire person

May the Lord bless you with peace and health in the Holy Spirit. It is 1st June 2021. 

May the Lord bless you with peace and health in the Holy Spirit.

It is 1st June 2021.  We celebrate the memorial of St. Justin, Martyr.

We reflect from Tobit 2:9-14 and the Gospel from Mark 12:13-17.

We can be blind physically yet to be truthful is the light to the entire person.  We all need to strive to be honest with God, ourselves, and others by all means.  Paranoic attitude murders honesty.  When our doubts prevail, we do not appreciate the goodness in others.

Tobit, being a blind person never gave up on God.

In the Gospel Jesus reminds us that we need to ‘Give back to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.” (Mk.12:17).  We all know what belongs to God cannot be given to the ruler.  Even if we admire the qualities of our leaders, we cannot give that is due for God to them.

Our perseverance in giving can never equate the providence of God.  We are good intrinsically, yet we might like to display our goodness so superficially that hurts the others.  attitudes and behavior need to please God for sure, but it also must not hurt our loved ones.  There is no way we can please one and leave the other, loving God and hating our loved ones.  As we endeavor to please God, let us not displease those who live, work, and relate with us.  Have a peaceful day.  God bless you.

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