We are offered grace to come out of any sinful situation to live a life of freedom and dignity. 

Good morning good people, May the Lord give you peace, health, and happiness in the Holy Spirit.   It

Good morning good people,

May the Lord give you peace, health, and happiness in the Holy Spirit.   It is 9th September 2024.  We reflect on 1 Cor 5:1-8 and Lk 6:6-11.

What makes our hearts become fermented?  Do we have a leavened or unleavened hearts?  John Maxwell wisely says, “We are either preparing or repairing.”  Yes, our life is a preparation to bring out the best in us and in all we do.  Every second we prepare to face the next attack.

The first reading presents us with the scandal in the community.  Sin has a pattern and nature to invade and encroach when it is regularly unchecked.  The damage is not just personal but communal too.  Just like the yeast, it has the tendency to spread so rapidly and ferments it.

Yes, we need to discipline the members of the community and those in scandal.  But charity and prudence need to prevail.

We are offered grace to come out of any sinful situation to live a life of freedom and dignity.

The healing of a man with a withered hand by Jesus on Sabbath day triggers a lot of vibrations inside and out.  We are here on earth to continue the mission of Christ whether it is a good day, bad day, tiresome one or cheerful moment.  No way we can exempt ourselves on account of any reason we could justify on earth when it comes to helping and healing people.

We can never be perfect without doing good by serving humanity at large.  Our doing good can surely attract evil people to maliciously, and repeatedly attack us verbally as well as physically.  There is no need to be afraid of evil people.  They cannot harm us unless we inhale evil and start exhaling the same.

People can plot, plan, and perpetrate evil to us when we vow to do good.  May the Lord help us to give hope to the hopeless and the helpless.  God bless you.

Jesus went out of His way in healing the man.   The more we go out of our way to have a meal and to heal, we replicate Jesus today.

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