We are God’s children and the image and likeness of God.

Good morning good people may the Lord give you grace, peace and health in the Holy Spirit. It

Good morning good people may the Lord give you grace, peace and health in the Holy Spirit.

It is 27th July 2024.

We reflect on Jeremiah 7:1-11 and Matthew 13:24-30.

Have made the sacramentals as a lucky charm?

In the absence of love, justice and charity, our worship and belief remain a superstition. We all have something as a lucky charm.

During the time of prophet Jeremiah, people boasted and believed that mere physical presence of the temple was enough to be a believer to obtain all the blessings from the Lord.

What we require is life of righteousness and integrity not a pride filled places and objects.

We are God’s children and the image and likeness of God. We all have the hunger and thirst to be good and do the same.

We sow the seeds of truth, justice, and peace yet we witness violence, hatred, and selfishness in the growth formation.

When we are preoccupied with the others and the way they live, we might lose focus and attention in our faith encounters.

We are not here on earth to weed out the evil around us but in us till the end.

Because the weed in us never stops growing and planted not by us always.

By constantly cooperating with the power of the Holy Spirit in discerning and directing our lives in doing good, we always fall short of reaching the best.

Beware of the false and misleading information in and around us to persistently doing good.

God bless you.

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