We all need to value the vocation we have received from the Lord

May the Lord give you peace and health in the Holy Spirit. Grace to you and peace from

May the Lord give you peace and health in the Holy Spirit. Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (Rom.1:7)

It is 11th October 2021.

We reflect on Romans 1:1-7 and the Gospel of Luke 11:29-32.

We celebrate the memorial of St. John XXIII. In his encyclical Pacem in Terris, he stressed about family, “the family, founded upon marriage freely contracted, one and indissoluble must be regarded as the natural, primary cell of human society. The interests of the family, therefore, must be taken very specially into consideration in social and economic affairs, as well as in the spheres of faith and morals. For all of these have to do with strengthening the family and assisting it in the fulfilment of its mission.” (11).

We too celebrate the International Day of the Girl Child.  All around the world, the Girl child faces pain, abuse, and indifference just because she is born a girl.  Atrocities and inhuman acts are unleashed on this most vulnerable section of our communities. We, the Church need to provide a safe environment for the girl child by all means.

We each one of us is called, set apart and sent by the Lord to spread the Good News of salvation, peace, and forgiveness to all people.  We all need to value the vocation we have received from the Lord.  It is all up to us to respond or resist the call of God.  To become a witness of the Lord, we all need to follow the Lord uniquely, personally, and intimately.

There is something greater than the wisdom of Solomon, and something greater than Jonah is here to mean that the wisdom of the Father in the person of Jesus is here.  Recognizing, acknowledging, and assimilating the Word of God offers us the wisdom to discern and accept that we cannot change.  Our faith in Christ needs to provide proof of charity and forgiveness to people around us.  Wake up from the false assurances of the world is the only way of giving meaning to our vocation.  May the Lord bless us to believe in the Son of God to experience God in fullness, truth, and spirit.

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