We all love to belong to the family of God

  It is 22nd September 2020. The readings are from Proverbs 21:1-6, 10-13 and the Gospel from Luke


It is 22nd September 2020.

The readings are from Proverbs 21:1-6, 10-13 and the Gospel from Luke 8:19-21.

We all love to belong to the family of God.

The criteria to be a member of the Lord’s family is to have love for the poor and the acquaintances with the Word of God.

When we have a good life and everything is going good in life, we least bothered about two things: one is the poor and another is the Word of God.

The first reading remarks that our prayers and communication with God will be noticed when we have time, resources and listening heart and ears to the cry of the poor.

“If you close your ear to the cry of the poor, you will cry out and not be heard.”  (Pro.21:13).

The responsorial Psalm intercedes, “Guide me, Lord, in the way of your commands.” (Ps.119:35).

In the Gospel, Jesus clarifies the qualification to be the member of God’s family. Jesus pinpointedly told that it was not those came to see Him only are the Mother and brothers but also who were listening to Him and allowing God to enter in their life through the Word of God.  Jesus removes the boundaries of blood connection, race, and relationship in belonging to the family of God and recognising the willingness and openness to receive the Word and act on it like Mother Mary.  The Gospel passage in no way condemns or excludes Mother Mary but it brings out Her greatness in responding to the Word of God and became the Mother of Jesus by giving birth to Him and followed Him to the end as a disciple.

Mother Mary is the exemplar par excellence in accommodating the Word of God in Her life and took a stand for the poor in Her life.  We too become the authentic disciple of Jesus and member of God’s family by our commitment and unconditional love response to the Word of God.  May our assimilation of the Word of God lead us to do the fruitful actions to those who are poor and needy around.  May you have a good day God bless you.

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