To have a feeling of enough, one needs to be rooted in Christ and to have a trustworthiness in God’s promises.

Good morning good people, May the Lord give you peace, health, and happiness in the Holy Spirit. It

Good morning good people,

May the Lord give you peace, health, and happiness in the Holy Spirit.

It is 25th September 2024.

We reflect on Proverbs 30:5-9 and Luke 9:1-6.

Are feeling contented or anxious?

It is a prayer of a wise person who pleads God for two gifts such as to have sincerity and truthfulness in thinking and speaking; and to have enough to live.

“Two things I beg of you, do not grudge me them before I die.  Keep falsehood and lies far from me, give me neither poverty nor riches, grant me only my share of bread to eat.” (Prov.30:7).

The spirituality of contentment is the need of the hour in everyone’s life.  whether we are married or single, we need to be satisfied with the feeling of having enough.  What is enough indeed in life?

In fact, nothing is enough for human mind except God.  God alone is enough for us and nothing under the Sun will make us to have the feeling of contentment.

“Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart.  The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised” (Job 1:21).

It is St. Paul who teaches and challenges us with the feeling of contentment.

“I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances” (Philippians 4:11).

To have a feeling of enough, one needs to be rooted in Christ and to have a trustworthiness in God’s promises.

Attaining serenity is not possible on our own without the blessings of God.  When wealth and pleasure come between us and God, we begin to move into evil ways.  May our prayer be that of a wise person today that may we not have too little to look for things than God and may we not have in abundance to a level we tend to forget the Giver of the gifts.

The responsorial Psalm acclaims, “Your Word is a lamp for my steps, O Lord.” (Ps.118:105).

The Gospel presents us with the mission discourse.  Jesus instructed the apostles to be satisfied and contented with what they are provided during their ministry.

Good News is the wealth one needs to carry and to share and be satisfied with.

Making material demands and trying to force the Good News on those who are not willing is against the spirituality of contentment.  When we are refused the respect we deserve, we do not need to force it upon others.

If people choose to listen to something else other than the Good News, we do not need to thrust it in a way, we become a threat to someone.

Looking for comfort and luxury corrodes the fibre fabrics and finest threads of the Good News.

Jesus wants all of us to be satisfied with what is provided by God and to have the feeling of enough is indeed the spiritual power that spread the Good News everywhere.

May the Lord help us to have such Wisdom from the Word of God that by emptying ourselves, we make someone rich.  May you have a good day.  God bless you.

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