There is an aroma in giving that pleases God.

Good morning good people, May the Lord give you peace, health and happiness in the Holy Spirit. It

Good morning good people,

May the Lord give you peace, health and happiness in the Holy Spirit.

It is 20th August 2024.  We reflect on Ezekiel 28:1-10 and Matthew 19:23-30.

Is God everything or everything is god?

As the first reading points out, there are many living among us to claim the place of God.  Some believe that God can be purchased with money, power and wealth.

We realize the power of God at the end at a crossroads of uncertainty and unpredicted end of our lives.

Our life is between race and grace, humility and happiness, God and gods, the first and the last.

Moderation, middle ground, equanimity, and balance brings us closer to God.

God tests us all with riches and wealth.  God wants to know where we keep God, once we are rich and blessed and doing well in life.

God is never a loser at any given point in life when someone is ignoring God and mocking God due to pride, acquired knowledge and wealth one possesses.

Everything melts away in the heat of life except God.  God withstands any number of pressures of human conditions.

Humanity that tries to replace God will always remain frustrated in reaching out to the others.

The responsorial Verse reminds us, “It is I who deal death and give life.” (Deut. 32:39).

The Gospel points out the effects of wealth on our relationship with God and one another.  It is what wealth do to us spiritually and relationally.  No one can save himself or herself on their own.  “But Jesus looked at them and said to them, “With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (Mt.19:26).

The eligibility proposed by Jesus is sharing what we have with the other.  To be poor is not a curse from God and being rich and not willing to share is not a blessing either.

It is not giving a piece but offering peace to someone through our riches is the blessings from God.

A world that does not reach out to the poor around is indeed proud, arrogant, and unbelieving one.  A community is blessed when it is daringly sharing the resources with the needy.

There is an aroma in giving that pleases God.

Unshared resources accumulate sins and sufferings around.

May the Lord help us to keep God in front in all we do and say to reach out the needy and the poor on time.

God bless you.

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