The power of the cross and the presence of the Holy Spirit are the keys for mission that is entrusted to us.

Good morning good people, May the Lord bless you with peace, health, and happiness in the Holy Spirit.

Good morning good people,

May the Lord bless you with peace, health, and happiness in the Holy Spirit.

It is 02nd September 2024.

We reflect on 1 Corinthians 2:1-5; and the Gospel from Luke 4:16-30.

“The work of ours is brief but the rewards are eternal,” says Saint Clare of Assisi.

Are we in line or out of line with the modus operandi of Jesus?

Do we have a manifesto for our spiritual life?

It is good to spend a little time amidst our hectic lives to scribble our manifesto or to relook at it.

It is not on our eloquence, enlightenment and elegance God entrusts the ministry to us but our witnessing life in the Spirit.

In the first reading St. Paul wants us to know that unless the Spirit of God opens the hearts of the listeners, the efforts, eloquence of the preacher will be in vain.

In understanding the weakness in others, we begin to appreciate their greatness. None of us here is perfect. We all have a portion to clean within ourselves every day in our life.

Philosophy and ideologies cannot unpack the mystery of God revealed in the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

The responsorial Psalm, “Lord, how I love your law.” (Ps.119:97).

The Gospel presents us with the beginning of public ministry.

The power of the cross and the presence of the Holy Spirit are the keys for mission that is entrusted to us. God’s Spirit works in and through the humility of our hearts.

Amidst rampant Fake News around, we all have the responsibility to preach, teach and reach everyone with the Good News. Oppositions are bound to come when we wish to do good. Jesus faced opposition from his own people just because they di

We are the newscasters today. The mission of Jesus is to bring the Good News that God anoints humanity and is interested in the liberation of entire person especially the poor, the marginalised, and the voiceless of society.

When we feel empty, God fills us. When we feel under-skill, God equips us.

We are all anointed and sealed by the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Do we feel less loved, ignored, attacked, and feel deficient?

There is an urgency to proclaim the Good News today more than ever. People can ignore us and bombard us with the negative bias all the time. Jesus wants us to reach out to the poor with the Good News that God has not forgotten them. The proclamation is for the liberation of our hearts and lives from the slavery of sins.

Familiarity precludes the quality of a person. Prophetic voices from the known people are mostly undermined. Since we are anointed through the Sacraments of salvation, we have a specific task entrusted to us.

We cannot impress anyone with words alone. We need expressions of the heart in action.  May God continue to strengthen us to express our faith in experiences of love, mercy and forgiveness.  Have a peaceful day.

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