The good works we do are those foundations taught by Jesus

May the Lord give you peace in the Holy Spirit.  It is on 16th September 2023. We reflect

May the Lord give you peace in the Holy Spirit.  It is on 16th September 2023.

We reflect on 1 Tim.1:15-17 and the Gospel from Lk.6:43-49.

The first reading speaks about God’s patience in dealing with the sinful side of our lives.  The purpose of Jesus coming into the world is to save us all from sinful living.

One needs to recognize and acknowledge one’s unworthiness. St. Paul acknowledges telling,  “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners of whom I am the worst.” (1 Tim.1:15).  St. Paul called himself in yesterday’s reading “a blasphemer, persecutor and a violent man.” (1 Tim. 1:13).

This is the difference between us and the saints.  There is a sincerity in their admittance as sinners.  Either we hesitate or leave it conveniently to acknowledge who we are.

It is the image and the idea of God that leads us to acknowledge our unworthiness.

This wisdom makes us understand that how closely we are connected to sin and far away from God.  God is tirelessly patient with us.  It is We who are tired of acknowledging our sinfulness to God.

Let us begin a new page with God to share with God in the Sacrament of Reconciliation what we find difficult to share.

The Gospel talks about the maturity in our spiritual life.  Maturity is experienced and measured in terms of good deeds.

As we grow older, we are expected to produce fruits that are useful for ourselves and others.  Good deeds are a solid foundation, one has to build his or her faith in Jesus.

Our speech and behaviours are the outcome of what we have in our hearts.

In a spiritual crisis, our foundations are tested.  The good works we do are those foundations taught by Jesus.

“Each tree is recognised by its own fruit.” (Lk.6:44).  Let us build everything in Christ Jesus. Only then we have a sure and steady foundation which will last long.

May the Lord bless you to be mature in your spiritual growth.

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