The end of evil is near when our God deals with it

May the Lord bless you with peace and health in the Holy Spirit. It is 09th October 2021.

May the Lord bless you with peace and health in the Holy Spirit.

It is 09th October 2021.

We celebrate the memorials of St. John Leonardi and St. Denis.

We reflect on Joel 4:12-21 and the Gospel of Luke 11:27-28.

In fighting evil, we all give up at one point. Either we lean towards the evil or blame God for God’s silence in dealing with the evil. It is all due to the prevalence of evil in the world and seemingly taking the upper hand over all that is good. The end of evil is near when our God deals with it. Time of peace and prosperity is sure to come led by the Lord.

Our consistency in responding to God’s call is what makes us remain blessed. It is not our good works and our status in life that brings this blessedness for us but by constantly adhering to the Word of God and fashioning our lives in the light of the Word.

To be successful in life, we need to do few things in life. We need to be prepared to unlearn all that is not allowing to learn and prepared to learn from nook and corner and even from the most insignificant moments of our life. There is always a lesson for our life in every event and encounter of our lives. So, “let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No;’ anything more than this comes from evil.” (Mt.5:37).

The best example for all our life is our beloved Mother Mary. She is the mother of Jesus, the Son of God and preserved from original sin by a singular favour from the Lord. Yet, Her greatness and blessedness come from her adherence to the Word of God and Her One Perfect and unwavering Yes. But Jesus said, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it!” (Lk.11:28).

Listen is the heart of learning. Without listening we cannot love God. Making space for God fills us with the Word of God is that makes us join with those in need. It is not enough to listen to the Word of God, but we need to listen to the people around us. Our blessedness mostly depends on the quality of our listening. Listening needs to lead us to action. Mother Mary did it in Her life.

May our Beloved Mother Mary intercede for us to listen more to heal the suffering humanity around. Have a good day. God bless you.

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