Refusing to do good or not being interested in doing good is a visible sign of disobedience against God

May the Lord give you grace, and peace in the Holy Spirit.  It is 15th March 2022. We

May the Lord give you grace, and peace in the Holy Spirit.  It is 15th March 2022.

We reflect on Isaiah 1:10, 16-20 and Matthew 23:1-12.

Integrity is built in nature and nurtured by grace.

Being and doing good are the motives of our birth.  No human being is born to do evil.  Eliminating evil only provides and enhances a platform to do good.

Doing good is a conscious effort inspired intrinsically, environmentally, or both.

Learning to do good is a life project.  None of us become experts in doing good.  What we have done so far can always be upgraded and reviewed.  Investing our time, and resources to do good lifts the life of the other and personally to have self-actualization for ourselves.

Being selfish and self-centred is noticed by those around us mostly but God watches so keenly our selfless sacrifices.  Many people have gone through so much of pain, disappointments, emotional exhaustion by doing good overtime when the intention of doing is highly misinterpreted and undervalued.

To be consistently doing good is indeed grace and blessing from God.  We all are expected to do just that.  We have the privileged position to stand before God to negotiate our deals for the welfare of ourselves and that of others.

Refusing to do good or not being interested in doing good is a visible sign of disobedience against God.  The prophet Isaiah reprimands the people of Sodom and Gomorrah.  Selfish minds manufacture arrogance always.

When words get dissolved and disappear in actions, we build our personality and inner character.  Constantly becoming a suffering servant of God by sacrificing our personal needs and desires, we overcome any addiction and craving for sins.

“But if you refuse and resist, the sword shall consume you, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.” (Is.1:20).  May God always use each one of us to do good anyway.  There are millions of ways of doing it.  It is up to us.  May God bless you.

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