Reconciliation is God’s initiative through the presence of the Holy Spirit in the community and inspired by motives that are born out of faith.

Good morning good people, May the Lord give you peace, health, and happiness in the Holy Spirit. It

Good morning good people,

May the Lord give you peace, health, and happiness in the Holy Spirit.

It is 14th August 2024.

We celebrate the memorial of Maximilian Kolbe, Priest, Martyr.  He boldly believed and proclaimed, “It is obedience and obedience alone that shows us God’s will with certainty.  Through obedience we transcend our own limitations and align ourselves with God’s will guides us to do what is best.” We reflect Ezekiel 9:1-7, 10:18-22, and Matthew 18:15-20.

Are you marked by God?

It is unity of the Spirit that offers forgiveness that is a personal process that accommodates the views of the community.  Prayer is ineffective in the milieu of unforgiving hearts.  “Touch no one who has the mark.  And begin at my sanctuary.” (Ez.9:6).

Tau, is the last letter in the Hebrew alphabet, was the form of a cross.  It represents a key.  St. Francis of Assisi used it as his signature sign.

The good people are marked so to be distinguished from the evil ones.  During the maiden Passover of the Hebrews, the doors were marked with blood in Egypt.  (Ex.12:7).

St Cyril confesses that this mark will be on the faithful who immersed themselves in the Sacrament of Baptism before the final judgement.

Being marked and chosen by God is a blessing indeed to make the lives of others a joyful one.  Let us not confined to a specific space in seeking God rather to encounter God in human relationships and interactions.  When we exclude the other person, we expel God from our lives.  We are chosen to include others on board in loving, healing, and forgiving.

The Gospel invites us to examine the way we care and curse those who are not in good terms with us.  Some of our relationships have a mark that has impacted our lives in both ways.

The way we handle others during conflicts and misunderstanding, either we heal or hurt the others.

Reconciliation is God’s initiative through the presence of the Holy Spirit in the community and inspired by motives that are born out of faith.

Mathew proposes three levels of witnesses for reconciliation.  Punishment is never intended in this process of healing but the conversion of heart.  One on one, with the presence of the witnesses and with a gathering of believing community.  The intensity of seriousness is expressed not to ostracize but to re-evangelize and re-welcoming the offender into the community.  It all needs to happen in a prayerful atmosphere.

Jesus warns us individually and as a Church not to be a scandal and obstacle for another in knowing and loving Christ.

The mission of Church in promoting love, justice, truth and peace with compassion and commitment.  May the Lord open our heart that we may forgive without limit and conditions as God has forgiven us.

Have a lovely day.

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