Prayer is a soul training moment to go by the flow of God

May the Lord give you peace and health in the Holy Spirit. It is 17th June 2021. We

May the Lord give you peace and health in the Holy Spirit.

It is 17th June 2021.

We reflect from 2 Corinthians 11:1-11; and the Gospel from Matthew 6:7-15.

His holiness Pope Francis teaches us, “Prayer is what opens the door to the Holy Spirit, which is what inspires us to go forward.”

There is so much of novelty we go after.  Something new attracts us whether it is food, lifestyle, philosophy, theology, or style of prayer.

Do we pray right?  What is the fruitful way of praying then?

Prayer is a soul training moment to go by the flow of God.

Prayer is awareness of God’s presence by surrendering entirely, discerning God’s will, and seeking the way of the Gospel.

St. Paul laments and regrets for the people of Corinth but never hated them for their novelty in looking for a newer way of worship and going after new message other than the Gospel.

To experience God’s love, and obtain the favour from God, we not only to pray but to forgive others unregretfully. It is not the repletion of prayers that attract God, but our repentance and forgiveness does.  God can hear our prayer when we pray in faith.

While explaining the Our Father prayer, St. Cyprian exclaims, “When we call God ‘Father’, we ought to act like sons and daughters of God, so that as we are pleased to have God as our Father, so God will be pleased with us.”

Jesus taught us a prayer not to repeat umpteen times but to experience the presence of God as our loving Father profoundly and in turn sharing the love of the Father with the others.  It is the heart of all the prayers. May we forgive the heart of the others so as to experience the benefits of our prayers.  Have a lovely day.  God bless you.

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