Good morning good people, May the Lord give you peace and health in the Holy Spirit. It is on 12th June 2024. Are we condoning or condemning? We reflect on 1 Kings 18:20-39 and Matthew 5:17-19. In a world of cutthroat competition in everything, religion and religious leaders are not spared. One wants to swallow […]

May the Lord give you peace and health in the Holy Spirit. It is 11th June 2024. We celebrate the memorial of St Barnabas, Apostle. St. Luke hails him, “for he was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith” (Acts 11:24).  Barnabas is the one who sold his estate and laid the […]

May the Lord give you peace and happiness. It is 09th June 2024. We celebrate the Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Who is leading us to sin? We reflect on Genesis 3:9-15; 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1; and Mark 3:20-35. Obedience to the Word of God makes us morally certain and spiritually vibrant. Human weakness whether it […]

May the Lord give you peace and happiness in the Holy Spirit. It is 08th June 2024. We celebrate the memorial of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We reflect on Is.61:9-11 and Lk. 2:41-51. The first reading reminds us of our Mother Mary. “I delight greatly in the Lord; my soul rejoices […]

May the Lord give you peace and happiness in the Holy Spirit. It is on 6th June 2024. Are we fused or confused in love? We reflect on 2 Timothy 2:8-15 and Mark 12:28-34. God’s word cannot be imprisoned, but the messengers of the Word could end up being in prison. There are very few […]

May the Lord give you peace and happiness in the Holy Spirit. It is on 5th June 2024. We reflect on 2 Timothy 1:1-3, 6-12 and Mark 12:18-27. Are we afraid to be truthful? Truth never hurts rather it heals. Knowing and believing that someone is there for us in our spiritual struggles is the […]

Good morning good people, May the Lord give you peace and happiness in the Holy Spirit. Are we the entrance and hindrance to growth? It is 4th June 2024. We reflect on 2 Peter 3:11-15, 17-18 and Mark 12:13-17. New heaven and earth are possible where God becomes the centre and reason for our existence […]

May the Lord give you peace and health in the Holy Spirit. It is on 3rd June 2024. Are we committed or careless? We celebrate the memorial of St Charles Lwanga and Companions, Martyrs. We reflect on 2 Peter 1:2-7 and Mark 12:1-12. God reveals himself through His Only Beloved Son Jesus. Our response is […]

May the Lord give your peace and health in the Holy Spirit. It is 02nd June 2024. How sincere and serious are we in believing in the Most Holy Eucharist? Are we reflecting or deflecting the Eucharist? We celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ – Corpus Christi. Wishing you […]

May the Lord give you peace and happiness in the Holy Spirit. It is 01st June 2024. What attracts our hearts the most: lies or truth? We reflect on Jude 17, 20-25; and the Gospel from Mark 11:27-33. False teachers are on the increase everywhere specially in the Church. The false teachers are the ones […]