It is 18th January 2015. It is the second Sunday in ordinary time. The readings are from 1 Sam 3:3b-10, 19, 1 Cor. 6:13c-15a, 17-20, and the Gospel is from Jn 1:35-42. The first reading presents the call of Samuel in a very personal way. The little boy Samuel responded to God saying, “Speak Lord, […]
Dear People of God, It is 16th January 2015. The readings are from Heb. 4:1-5,11; and the Gospel Mk. 2:1-12. The first reading clarifies the Rest of God. The rest means Peace of God or entering into the Promise land or the rest on the seventh day after creation. St. Augustine beautifully puts it, “our […]
Dear People of God, It is 15th January 2015. The readings are taken from Heb.3:7-14; and the Gospel Mk 1:40-45. The first reading is narrating the reason for which this letter to Hebrew was written. “Take care, brothers and sisters, that none of you may have an evil and unfaithful heart, so as to forsake […]
Dear People of God, It is 14th January 2015. The readings are taken from Heb. 2:14-18 and the Gospel Mk.1:29-39. The first reading brings out the purpose of Jesus as the High Priest. He accepts to redeem us. In order to save us, He became a human being. Endowed with all human qualities, He tried […]
Dear People of God, It is 13th January 2015. Readings are from Hebrew 2:5-12 and Gospel Mk. 1:21b-28. The first reading asserts that Jesus went lower than the angels to suffer for us and to redeem us. Because He helped us all human beings through his obedient sufferings to save us from the sins, and […]
Dear People of God, Readings of the Day: 1 Jn 4:19-5:4; Gospel: Lk. 4:14-22 It is 08th January 2015. The first reading is bluntly pointing out a need for a correlation between faith and praxis. “If you say, I love God, while you hate your brother/sister, you are a liar.” The manifesto of our Christian […]
Dear People of God, Reading of the day: First Reading 1 Jn 4:11-18; Gospel Mk 6:45-52 It is 7th January 2015. Today’s readings address about fear among the followers of Jesus. “There is no fear in love…. those who fear do not know perfect love.” (1 Jn 4:18). Some of us have unreasonable fears. Some […]