t is 28th January 2015. The Readings are from Heb. 10:11-18 and the Gospel from Mk. 4:1-20. We are celebrating the memorial of St. Thomas Aquinas, Priest and Doctor of the Church. A Dominican priest dedicated most of his life for Philosophy and Theology. The first reading talks about the supreme sacrifice of Jesus. The […]

It is 27th January 2015. The Readings are from Heb.10:1-10 and the Gospel from Mk. 3:31-35. We have the memorial of St. Angela Merici, the Virgin. She belongs to the Third Order of St. Francis of Assisi. She was miraculously healed from her blindness which occurred during her visit to the Holy land. She founded […]

It is 26th January 2015. The readings are from 2 Tim.1: 1-18 and the Gospel from Lk 10:1-9. We are celebrating the memorial of Saints Timothy and Titus, the Bishops. Both were converted by St. Paul and became the companions and helpers of his mission. St. Timothy was looking after the Christians of Ephesus, while […]

It is 25th January 2015. The 3rd Sunday of the Ordinary time. It is the Sunday of Prayer for Peace. The Readings are from Jonah 3:1-5,10; 1Cor.7:29-31; and the Gospel from Mk. 1:14-20. The first reading describes that peace comes to people of God through the change of heart and mind. The response of the […]

It is 24th January 2015. The Readings are from Heb.9:2-3, 11-14 and the Gospel from Mk 3:20-21. We have the memorial of St. Francis of Sales, Bishop and Doctor of the Church. He preached with conviction and eventually many people returned to the Church. He was appointed bishop of Geneva. He spent a lot time […]

It is 23rd January 2015. The readings are from Heb.8:6-13 and the Gospel from Mk. 3:13-19. The first reading promises a new covenant. God says, “I will put my laws in their minds and I will write them upon their hearts. I will be their God, and they shall be my people.” (Mk.3:10) God wants […]

It is 22nd January 2015.The readings are from Heb 7:25-8:6 and the Gospel from Mk. 3:7-12. We remember the memorial of St. Vincent, the martyr. He was a deacon who stood firm for the Word of God and for Jesus until his death. He was tortured until death for the faith he held in Jesus. […]

It is 21st January 2015. The readings are from Heb. 7:1-3, 15-17 and the Gospel from Mk. 3:1-6. We have the memorial of St. Agnes, Virgin and Martyr. Many were eyeing on her beauty and wanted to have her as a wife. Since she refused to cooperate with their intentions, she was unjustly punished and […]

It is 20th January 2015. The Readings are from Heb. 6:10-20 and the Gospel from Mk. 2:23-28. We have the memoria of Sts. Fabian and Sebastian, the Martyrs. St. Fabian was the pope for 14 years and was killed during the persecution of the King Decius for unwavering loyalty to Jesus. St. Sebastian was killed […]

It is 19th January 2015. The readings are from Heb 5:1-10 and the Gospel is from Mk 2:18-22. The first reading explains in detail the importance and its function of the priesthood. The priest are chosen by God to be a link person between God and human beings. He needs to offer sacrifice in order […]