It is 13th October 2015. The readings are from Rom. 1:16-25 and the Gospel from Lk.11:37-41. The first reading reminds us that we must not be ashamed of our faith in a loving God. Faith according to Paul is the total trust, the confident hope, free gift and unshakable faithfulness in one God. God becomes […]
It is 11th October 2015. 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The readings are from Wis.7:7-11; Heb.4:12-13 and the Mk.10:17-30. The first reading invites us to pray for wisdom as the source of happiness. Wisdom is the wealth our souls are look for. Wisdom is from God and much more valuable than security, freedom, wealth, precious […]
It is 10th October 2015. The readings are from Joel 3:12-21 and the Gospel from Lk.11:27-28. The first reading brings out the horror, punishment and rewards of the day of Judgement of the Lord. We will be all gathered in the Valley of Jehoshaphat which means Yahweh judges. The prophet warns us to repent and […]
It is 09th October 2015. We celebrate the martyrdom of St. Denis and his companions. The readings are from Joel 1:13-15; 2; 1-2 and the Gospel from Lk.11:15-26. Joel means Yahweh is God. Joel, a learned prophet who warns us the imminent disaster during the day of the Lord. He insists prayer, penance and fasting […]
It is 8th October 2015. The readings are from Mal.3:13-4:2a and the Gospel from Lk.11:5-13. Malachi means my messenger. In the first reading, prophet Malachi encourages those who are obedient and sincere to God, not to give up on God. God promises some special allowances for those who obey and serve God. The evil and […]
It is 7th October 2015. We celebrate the memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary. A true Catholic is the one who is serious about the Rosary. Do you pray rosary daily? If you are not praying the Rosary daily what stops you? St. Louis de Montfort emphasized, “Never will anyone who prays his/her Rosary […]
It is 06th October 2015. We celebrate the memorial of St. Bruno, the Priest. The readings are from Jon.3:1-10 and the Gospel from Lk.10:38-42. The first reading brings out the need for change of heart. The Ninevites were violent and non-believers yet they were open to the message of repentance from Jonah. By our repentance, […]
It is 05th October 2015. The readings are from Jon. 1:1-2:1-2,10 and the Gospel from Lk. 10:25-37. The first reading shares the story of Jonah and his relationship with God. His story of being in the belly of a fish for three days is explained in relation to Christ’s death and resurrection. When life is […]
It is 04th October 2015. We celebrate 27th Sunday of the Ordinary Time. We too celebrate the Solemnity of St. Francis of Assisi, the Patron of Ecology. We wish all those who named after Francis, starting from our beloved Pope Francis and all the Franciscans world at large. We too take a stand in protecting […]