It is 08th November 2015. It is 32nd Sunday of the Ordinary Time. The readings are from 1Kgs.17:10-16; Heb.9:24-28 and the Gospel from Mk.12:38-44. The first reading enlightens our minds about a widow during the drought shares her meager resources with the man of God and being blessed by God for her faith and generosity. […]

It is 07th November 2015. The readings are from Rom.16:3-9, 16,22-27 and the Gospel from Lk.16:9-15. The first reading is the last chapter of the Romans in which St. Paul wants to mention so gratefully some persons by their name. He mentions 24 names out of which 19 are women from a higher social importance. […]

It is 05th November 2015. The readings are from Rom.14:7-12 and the Gospel from Lk.15:1-10. The first reading asserts us that we all have to give a personal account to God on account of life we in live in Christ and die for Him. Jesus lived and died for all of us. We too need […]

It is 04th November 2015. We celebrate the memorial of St. Charles Borromeo, the Bishop. The readings are from Rom.13:8-10 and the Gospel from Lk.14:25-33. The first reading makes us to believe that love is not a choice but an obligation. It is love that makes everything perfect including law. When we do everything with […]

It is 02nd November 2015. We commemorate all the faithful departed. The readings are from Is.25:6a, 7-9; 1 Cor.15:51-57 and the Gospel from Jn.6:37-40. Having celebrated the Solemnity of All Saints yesterday, we pray for all who in the purifying suffering of Purgatory awaiting the day they will join in heavenly glory. We read in […]

It is 01st November 2015. We celebrate the Solemnity of All Saints. The readings are from Rev.7:2-4, 9-14; 1 Jn.3:1-3 and the Gospel from Mt. 5:1-12a. This is the feast for all who have been declared and yet to be declared by the Church as saints. Sanctity is possible for everyone. Today we remember those […]

It is 31st October 2015. The readings are from Rom. 11:1-2a,11-12, 25-29 and the Gospel from Lk.14:1,7-11. In the first reading, St. Paul wants to convince us categorically that God never rejects God’s people. God’s fidelity is unquestionable. God saves God’s people individually. Salvation of the soul belongs to God; it is personal and specific. […]

It is 30th October 2015. The readings are from Rom.9:1-5 and the Gospel from Lk.14:1-6. The first reading talks about the salvation of the Jews. It is very hard for someone to accept and love Christ Jesus, if they did not believe in Him. Our love of God would become integral when we begin to […]

It is 29th October 2015. The readings are from Rom.8:31b-39 and the Gospel from Lk.13:31-35. The first reading assures that there is nothing can come between Christ and us or separate us. Christ Jesus is our Creed, Pleader and Judge. We do not need to be scared of anything that is created. We can all […]

It is 28th October 2015. We celebrate the Feast Day of Sts. Simon and Jude, the Apostles. The readings are Eph.2:19-22 and the Gospel from Lk.6:12-19. We read in the entrance antiphon that these are the holy men whom the Lord chose in his own perfect love; to them He gave eternal glory. St. Jude, […]