It is 19th November 2015. The readings are from 1 Mac. 2:15-29 and the Gospel from Lk.19:41-44. The first reading reminds us that how the priest Mattathias and his five sons stood for their faith. His third son Judas who received the surname Maccabaeus. Judas became a leader to protect the religion and its customs. […]

It is 18th November 2015. We celebrate the Dedication of the Churches of Sts. Peter and Paul. The readings are from 2 Mac.7:1, 20-31 and the Gospel from Lk.19:11-28. The first reading presents the martyrdom of the seven brothers. This passage brings out so strongly our faith in immortality and the resurrection of the body […]

It is 17th November 2015. We celebrate the memorial of St. Elizabeth of Hungary. The readings are from 2 Mac.6:18-31 and the Gospel from Lk.19:1-10. The first reading talks about the faithfulness in God. This passage in particular directly addressed to the Alexandrian Jews to be faithful to the religion and never to become a […]

It is 16th November 2015. We celebrate the memorial of Sts. Margaret and Getrude. The readings are from 1 Mac.1:10-15,41-43,54-57,62-64 and the Gospel from Lk.18:35-43. The first reading brings out the impact of the culture of Greek on Jews and their worship, customs and culture. The Old Testament was translated into Greek (the Septuagint). But […]

It Is 15th November 2015. It is 33rd Week in Ordinary Time. The readings are from Dan.12:1-3; Heb.10:11-14 and the Gospel from Mk.13:24:32. Today is the second last Sunday of the Church liturgical year. We are looking forward to the coming week to celebrate the Christ the King. As the church brings its liturgical year […]

It is 14th November 2015. The readings are from Wis.18:14-16;19:6-9 and the Gospel from Lk.18:1-8. The first reading teaches us further more not only to find God in nature but also in the events of the history. Two historical event is brought to our minds through the readings. Humanly impossible yet God made everything possible […]

It is 12th November 2015. We celebrate the memorial of St. Josaphat, the Bishop and Martyr. The readings are from Wis. 7:22b-8:1 and the Gospel from Lk. 17:20-25. The first reading describes 21 qualities of wisdom. Three qualities directly refer to God, and seven talks about perfection. We need to aspire for wisdom which inspired […]

It is 11th November 2015. We celebrate the memorial of St. Martin of Tours, the Bishop. The readings are from Wis.6:1-11 and the Gospel from Lk.17:11-19. The first reading tells us that obeying a leader is obeying God because all authority comes from God. God entrusts responsibilities to persons and holds them accountable for all […]

It is 10th November 2015. We celebrate the memorial of St. Leo the Great. The readings are from Wis.2:23-3:9 and the Gospel from Lk.17:7-10. The first reading reminds us that God promises a special blessing of being with God when we are faithful to Him. As we are remembering the souls in Purgatory in this […]

It is 09th November 2015. We celebrate the feast of the Dedication of Lateran Basilica. The first church to be built after Emperor Constantine’s edict in 313 which offered the spiritual freedom to thank, praise and worship God in a place. The Basilica is honoured as the ‘mother and head of all the churches of […]