It is 5th December 2015. The readings are from Is. 30:19-21,23-26 and the Gospel from Mt. 9:35-10:1,5a, 6-8. The first reading points out that certain amount of suffering is needed for a happy life. God is our teacher in the school of suffering. Our sufferings must lead and make us go closer to the teacher […]

It is 04th December 2015. We celebrate the memorial of St. John Damascene, the Priest and the Doctor of the Church. The readings are from Is. 29:17-24 and the Gospel from Mt.9:27-31. The first reading offers hope in the rule of Christ. There will be a spiritual, political, economic revolutions during the messianic age. The […]

It is 03rd December 2015. We celebrate the feast day of St. Francis Xavier, the patron saint of Propagation of Faith. The readings are from Is.26:1-6 and the Gospel from Mt. 7:21,24-27. The first reading promises the intervention of God in the life of God’s people who place their trust in God. “Trust in the […]

It is 02nd December 2015. The readings are from Is. 25:6-10a and the Gospel from Mt.15:29-37. The first reading is the open invitation to God’s royal banquet. Giving a banquet is the first and primary messianic gift. This food satisfies our souls. God reveals himself to all is the second gift. The third gift is […]

It is 01st December 2015. The readings are from Is.11:1-10 and the Gospel from 10:21-24. The first reading talks about the last of the Davidic prophecies. Jesus is the second David on whom the Spirit of God rested and remained with Him. The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are highlighted in Messiah so as […]

It is 30th November 2015. We celebrate the feast day of St. Andrew, the Apostle, who was a disciple of St. John the Baptist before he encountered Jesus. He preached the Good News of Jesus in Greece and was martyred on an X-shaped cross. The readings are from Rom.10:9-18 and the Gospel from Mt. 4:18-22. […]

It is 29th November 2015. It is the First Week of the Advent. The readings are from Jer.33:14-16; 1 Thess.3:12-4:2 and the Gospel from Lk.21:25-28, and 34-36. Today we begin the season of Advent and we begin the new liturgical year. The church invites us to be ready and prepared to receive the Lord. Advent […]

It is 28th November 2015. The readings are from Dan.7:15-27 and the Gospel from Lk.21:34-36. The first reading is the interpretation of the dream of Daniel. “The kingship and dominion and majesty of all the kingdoms under the heavens shall be given to the holy people of the Most High, whose Kingdom shall be everlasting: […]

It is 27th November 2015. The readings are from Dan.7:2-14 and the Gospel from Lk.21:29-33. The first reading offers the apocalyptic vision which means the vision of revealing the future of the world. Four winds from four directions denote the chaos the world was in before creation. From this emerges four beasts. The lion represents […]

It is 26th November 2015. The readings are from Dan.6:12-28 and the Gospel from Lk.21:20-28. The first reading presents Daniel’s escape from the jaws of lions. With prayer, God on our side, we can deal with any challenging situation. Daniel used personal prayer as the source to face the imminent danger. Just like Daniel, when […]