It is 28th December 2015. We celebrate the Feast of the Holy Innocents, the Martyrs. The readings are from 1 John 1:5-2:2 and the Gospel from Matthew 2:13-18. We venerate the innocent infants massacred by King Herod in Bethlehem and its surroundings. Herod wanted to eliminate the ‘infant King and Saviour Jesus.’ The most painful […]
It is 27th December 2015. We celebrate the feast of the Holy Family. The readings are from 1 Sam.1:20-22, 24-28; Psalm 83; 1 John 3:1-2,21-24 and the Gospel from Lk.2:41-52. The first reading presents how Hannah dedicate her son to God. The second reading assures that God wants us to be part of God’s family […]
It is 26th December 2015. We celebrate the feast day of St. Stephen, the First Martyr. The readings are from Acts. 6:8-10; 7:54-59 and the Gospel from Mt.10:17-22. The first reading explains the growth of the church and the work of the deacons in the church and their contributions. The converts were growing rapidly in […]
It is 24th December 2015. The readings are 2 Sam7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16 and the Gospel from Lk.1:67-79. The first reading talks about the embarrassment of David being in the palace while the Ark of God dwelt in tent. Through Nathan, God wanted to tell David that God is not looking for an abode made […]
It is 23rd December 2015. The readings are from Mal.3:1-4, 23-24 and the gospel from Lk.1:57-66. The first reading advocates that the Lord will send a messenger to prepare things before His arrival. The messenger is like a refiner’s fire and washer man’s soap. He will purify people and restore the traditions. We are invited […]
It is 22nd December 2015. The readings are from 1 Sam.1:24-28 and the Gospel from Lk.1:46-56. The first reading recounts the birth of Samuel and the dedication of the little boy to God by the mother. Hanna brought the three year old Samuel to the temple and left him for the lifetime service to God. […]
It is 21st December 2015. The readings are from Song.2:8-14 and the Gospel from Lk.1:39-45. The first reading presents intimate relationship between God and God’s people. It is the poem of the bride and her beloved. New life and new love blooms as the flowers emit the fragrance announcing a lovely spring. The groom is […]
It is 20th December 2015. It is 4th Sunday in Advent. The readings are from Mic.5:2-5a; Heb.10:5-10 and the Gospel from Lk.1:39-45. The first reading promises the great things to come. From a humble town comes the mighty King. The Messiah will be the true shepherd of Israel. “He shall be peace.” (Mic.5:4). God brings […]
It is 19th December 2015. The readings are from Judg.13:2-7, 24-25a and the Gospel from Lk.1:5-25. The first reading illustrates the conception of Samson. God prepared the mother to have a son whose name was Samson. He is set apart for God’s work and will be a judge and leader of the nation. He was […]