It is 3rd November 2017. We celebrate the memorial of St Martin de Porres, Bishop. The readings are from Romans 9:1-5; and the Gospel from Luke 14:1-6. The first reading speaks of the salvation of Jews. The offer of salvation to all people who have faith in God through His only Beloved Son Jesus starting […]

It is 30th October 2017. The readings are from Romans 8:12-17; and the Gospel from Luke 13:10-17. In the first readings, St. Paul reminds us that we should not be controlled and led by our unspiritual acts and lives. There is no excuse, or a holiday for doing the work of the Lord. We must […]

It is 28th October 2017. We are celebrating the Feast of Saints Simon and Jude the Apostles. The readings are from Ephesians 2:19-22; and the Gospel from Luke 6:12-19. In the various New Testament lists of the Twelve, the tenth and eleventh apostles are named as Simon the Zealot or the Canaanean and Judas (Jude) […]

It is 26th October 2017. The readings are from Romans 6:19-23; and the Gospel from Luke 12:49-53. Today’s readings are full of paradox. In the first reading St. Paul continues to encourage us to believe that we are the servants of God who are promised the eternal life. God promises the free gift of our […]

It is 24th October 2017. We celebrate the memorial of St. Anthony Mary Claret, Bishop. The readings are from Romans 5:12, 15, 17-21; and the Gospel from Luke 12:35-38. We are given the assurance by St. Paul in the first reading that the free gift of grace is offered to all us even though we […]

It is 23rd October 2017. We celebrate the memorial of St. John of Capistrano. The readings are from Romans 4:20-25; and the Gospel from Luke 12:13-21. In the first reading, St. Paul continues to share his conviction on the doctrine of justification telling we are justified by faith in Jesus through God’s grace. What we […]

It is 22nd October 2017. We celebrate the Mission Sunday on this Twenty-ninth Sunday of the Ordinary time. Let us gratefully remember all our missionaries who are working with us today in our missions and parishes and all those missionaries who made us to know Christ and gone before us. Support them in every possible […]

It is 21st October 2017. The readings are Romans 4:13, 16-18; and the Gospel from Luke 12:9-12. In the first reading we are encouraged to have the resilience of Abraham in believing God. Hoping against hope is indeed to believe the maximum that something will surely happen, although one knows it is not likely. It […]

It is 19th October 2017. We celebrate the memorials of Saint Paul of the Cross, priest; Saints John and Isaac, priests, and martyrs. The readings are from Romans 3:21-30; and the Gospel from Luke 11:47-54. An enormous divine favour offered by God’s mercy to all who have sinned yet now redeemed through the grace of […]

It is 16th October 2017. We celebrate the memorials of Saint Hedwig, a religious and Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, a virgin; The readings are from Romans 1:1-7; and the Gospel from Luke 11:29-32. The first reading from St. Paul presents the truths of the faith in the early Church. There is a supernatural order for […]