It is 5th December 2020. The readings are from Isaiah 30:19-21, 23-26; and the Gospel from Matthew 9:35-38, 10:1, 5-8. Albert Einstein remarked once, “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift.” There is […]
It is 4th December 2020. We celebrate the memorial of John of Damascene, priest, and doctor. It is the first Friday of the Advent dedicated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus too. The readings are from Isaiah 29:17-24; and the Gospel from Matthew 9:27-31. We are healed to evangelize. The advent helps us […]
It is 3rd December 2020. We celebrate the feast of St Francis Xavier, Priest. He is the patron saint of the missions, together with St. Therese of the Child Jesus. He was a vibrant and ambitious zealous person to evangelise to those who did not know Jesus especially in India, Malaysia, Japan, and China. […]
It is 2nd December 2020. The readings are from Isaiah 25:6-10; and the Gospel from Matthew 15:29-37. The Messianic Kingdom invites us all to participate the messianic banquet. It is not merely a sumptuous meal alone but the presence of healing. God wants to show the intensity of love towards us in front of […]
It is 1st December 2020. The readings are from Isaiah 11:1-10, 11-14; and the Gospel from Luke 10:21-24. The birth and rule of the Messiah much awaited Good News for the entire humanity. Peace is the assurance of the Messiah to all who eagerly wait for Him. The prophecy of Isaiah points out to […]
It is 30th November 2020. We celebrate the Feast of St Andrew the Apostle. The readings are from Romans 10:9-18; and the Gospel from Matthew 4:18-22. The mandate to evangelize is for all of us. The Sacrament of Baptism offers all the spiritual resources to spread the Good News. There are so many go […]
It is 29th November 2020. We enter the First Sunday of Advent. We begin the new church year. Advent means coming. The readings are from Isaiah 63:16b-17; 64:1, 3b-8; the second reading is from 1Corinthians 1:3-9; and the Gospel from Mark 13:33-37. We are invited to reflect on Hope as we read about the […]
It is 28th November 2020. The readings are from Revelation 22:1-7; and the Gospel from Luke 21:34-36. We are on the last day of our liturgical year. We reflect on the end times and a new life in the Spirit to experience the unlimited joy. We are invited to enter from darkness to light, […]
It is 27th November 2020. The readings are from Revelation 20:1-4, 11-21:2; and the Gospel from Luke 21:29-33. Judgement based on our love for the Lord and the Word. We will all have the judgement of God based on our faith and what did we do with our faith to the humanity around. New […]
It is 26th November 2020. We celebrate the memorial of St. John Berchmans, the patron of Altar Servers. The readings are from Revelation 18:1-2, 21-23, 19:1-3, 9; and the Gospel from Luke 21:20-28 Just a few days to complete the liturgical year, we continue to reflect the struggle against the evil. In every struggle, […]