It is 25th December 2020.  The readings are from Is 9:1-6; the second reading is from Tit2:11-14; and the Gospel from Lk 2:1-14. Wishing you all a grace filled Christmas endowed with all the blessings of health, happiness, and healing. God wants to share God’s life and love with us is Christmas.  God shares God’s […]

It is 24th December 2020. The readings are from 2 Sam 7:1-5, 8-12, 14, 16; and the Gospel from Luke 1:67-79. God prefers living in us than what is made by human hands.  God does not want a special place to separate and seclude Himself from us by being in a place of honour.  God […]

It is 23rd December 2020. The readings are from Malachi 3:1-4, 23-24; and the Gospel from Luke 1:57-66. To be gracious is overshadowed by the graciousness of God in our life. Every birth has a message, a moment, a memory in the making of that person. As the Lord entered the temple, so He is […]

It is 21st December 2020.  We celebrate the memorial of St. Peter Canisius, Religious and Doctor. The readings are from Zephaniah 3:14-18 and the Gospel from Luke 1:39-45. Joy comes where Christ is present. We feel even more joyful when God strengthens our life and all that are fragile.  The first reading injects such joy […]

It is19th December 2020. The readings are from Judges 13:2-7, 24-25; and the Gospel from Luke 1:5-25. We celebrate the memorial of Anastasius I. Life is full of surprises and sadness. The gift of life in a family is a blessing from God.  Barrenness in a married couple pulls them down and breaks their ties […]

  It is 16th December 2020. The readings are from Isaiah 45:6-8 and the Gospel from Luke 7:19-23. We are saved by God and God alone. At times we begin to believe people more than God. There is no match for God, and no one replace God in our life. Yet, we try replacing God […]

  It is 14th December 2020. We celebrate the memorial of St John of the Cross, Priest and Doctor of the Church. The readings are from Numbers 24:2-7, 15-17; and the Gospel from Matthew 21:23-27. Do we see the hand of God and hear the voice of God in our lives? Truth cannot Balaam was […]

It is 11th December 2020. The readings are from Isaiah 48:17-19; and the Gospel from Matthew 11:16-19. Do we listen? Our listening depends on our belief. Mostly we listen to people whom we like. When we like a priest, we begin to listen to his sermons without much difficulty. Even if he delivers a long […]

  It is 10th December 2020. We celebrate the memorial of Our Lady of Loreto. The readings are from Isaiah 41:13-20; and the Gospel from Matthew 11:11-15. There is nothing to fear when the Lord is nearby. “Do not fear, for I am with you, do not be afraid, for I am your God; I […]

It is 7th December 2020. We celebrate the memorial of St. Ambrose, bishop, and doctor of the church. The readings are from Isaiah 35:1-10; and the Gospel from Luke 5:17-26. God himself comes to us to heal us as we begin this week. As the people of Israel returns from exile broken, lost and exhausted, […]