Only love alone re-energises and refuel by loving the other

It is 6th February 2021. We celebrate the memorial of Saints Paul Miki and Companions, Martyrs. The readings

It is 6th February 2021. We celebrate the memorial of Saints Paul Miki and Companions, Martyrs.

The readings are from Hebrews 13:15-17, 20-21; and the Gospel from Mark 6:30-34.

Love never gets tired in loving if it does it is not love.  Only love alone re-energises and refuel by loving the other.

Love is the sacrifice of heart that God is always pleased with.

The author of the first reading suggests that there are sacrifices of love through praise and worship through our vocal prayers, doing good and sharing the best with the others. Obedience to the Good News and our leaders is another form of sacrifice offered to God.

The responsorial Psalm praises, “The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.” (Ps.22:1).

The Gospel proposes us a new way of resting through our humble and compassionate service to the humanity.  The apostles returned to report Jesus all that God worked through them.  Jesus wanted them to rest and relax in a quiet place away from people. A voluntary withdrawal is very much necessary for reflection and rest. Balance between work and worship need to be constantly watched to serve fruitful.  When we are successful and doing well in our works, we tempt to compete with God, and it gets into our head we tend to ignore the needs of the people. But people smelled them and followed them to listen and to be healed by Jesus and his apostles.  “They were like sheep without a shepherd; and he began to teach them many things.” (Mk.6:34). Yes, we all need to be available to the needs of people around, yet we need to find enough time to be available with God.  Jesus took care of the spiritual hunger of the crowd.  However, broken we can be, we need to recognise the spiritual hunger in others and make them feel loved and nurtured by the Word of God.  May the Lord ignite fire in the fabrics of love to make others feel loved.  God bless you and have a good day.

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